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A Council Tax exemption or discount may be available if you are a full time student.

If a property is solely occupied by students, it may be exempt from Council Tax charges.  If all but one of the adults living in a property are students, a 25% discount may apply.  If there are other adults residing at the property, a discount or exemption may still be available depending on their circumstances.  Please contact Local Taxes on 01738 477430 for more information.

Any exemption or discount awarded will reduce both your Council Tax and water service charges.

If you are not yet registered as residing in the property you must first complete a change of address notification.


To qualify as a student you must either be:

  • Someone undertaking a specified course at a college or university in the UK or other EU state for 21 hours or more per week for at least 24 weeks; or
  • Someone under 20 studying for a qualification up to A Level, Higher, SHNC, NVQ/SVQ level 3 or equivalent via a course or courses for at least 12 hours a week for at least 3 months; please note that the course may not be taken as a result of your employment, may not be a correspondence course and may not be an evening class; or
  • A foreign language assistant; or
  • A student nurse studying an academic course at university or college

How do I apply?

In order to complete our online application, you will be required to supply:

  • Evidence confirming your student status. Note - an acceptance letter from the College/University is not qualifying evidence and evidence must be provided for each student

Complete our online application form

Alternatively, if you are unable to complete our online application, please download and complete the Student Exemption or Discount Application (PDF, 410 KB) and submit this along along with evidence of your attendance on the stated course using the Confirmation of Student Status (PDF, 116 KB) form. This can be returned by post to Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD or by e-mail to Please note that a separate application form must be completed by each student.

Last modified on 12 March 2025

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