If you use a commercial type vehicle to take your own household waste to the Recycling Centre, you will need a Domestic Exemption permit to gain access.
It can be difficult for a Site Attendant to differentiate between commercial and household waste which can be a source of customer frustration. In order to make the identification between commercial and household waste quicker and more transparent, the Domestic Exemption Permit was introduced.
Domestic Exemption Permit holders are not required to renew their permits annually and only need to contact us when you change your vehicle or change your circumstances.
How do I apply for or update Domestic Exemption Permit?
Apply for/update a Recycling Centre Permit
Site Attendants have the right to refuse entry if they believe waste has originated from a business. If you wish to dispose of business waste at a Recycling Centre, please visit the Commercial Permit page.
Displaying a Domestic Exemption Permit at the Recycling Centre
Please display your Domestic Exemption Permit (PDF, 696 KB) on your tablet (10 inch and over) for the Site Attendant to check through the windscreen or print it on A4 paper and stick it to your vehicle's front windscreen.
Please check now that your Domestic Exemption Permit is up to date with the correct vehicle registration number and if you haven't got a tablet, either print your Permit A4 in size or email the Commercial Waste Team with your name, home address, permit number and vehicle registration number, colour, make and model to request a paper copy through the post which will take up to 14 days.
Who is the Domestic Exemption Permit for?
The Domestic Exemption Permit is available to householders who access Recycling Centres using a van (your own or your employers), pick-up, mini-bus (7-11 seats), camper van, liveried vehicle or large trailer to dispose of their own household waste. Please note smaller trailers under 6ft in length with a single axle do not require a permit unless modified to allow larger amounts of waste to be carried.
The Permit is free of charge, however documents to support your application will be required.
If the vehicle belongs to the householder
You will be required to show how your business (if self-employed) or the business you work for is disposing of their waste. This information can be found on your, or your employers, Waste Transfer Note. If you cannot provide information on how your business waste, or your employers business waste, is disposed of, a Domestic Exemption Permit cannot be issued.
If you are using a works vehicle, or have borrowed a commercial type vehicle
You will require a letter of comfort from your employer (on headed paper, or an email from an official address) agreeing to the use of the vehicle for transportation of household waste as well as a copy of their Waste Transfer Note to show how the company is disposing of their waste. A Domestic Exemption Permit will only be issued once supporting documentation has been produced.
If you have your own commercial type vehicle to transport household waste to the Recycling Centre but you are currently unemployed or retired
You will be required to provide confirmation from the DWP. or pension provider, on your employment status to support your application for a Domestic Exemption Permit. A Permit will only be issued when support documents have been produced.
If you have hired a van
If you have hired a van for a period up to one week to dispose of your domestic waste you will not be required to apply for a permit. Please ensure that you have a copy of the lease agreement when accessing the Recycling Centre. This should be displayed on your windscreen or on a tablet (10 inch and over) so our staff can view at a safe distance.
If you have hired a van for any period over one week to dispose of your domestic waste you will be required to apply for a Domestic Exemption Permit. If you do not know your vehicle details when applying, please advise on your application.