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Elected Member Briefing Notes

This page is where we will publish Elected Member Briefing Notes updating Councillors on service and operational developments and responding to requests for follow-up information from Council meetings. There are some instances where Briefing Notes will not be published as they contain information which is confidential or otherwise exempt from publication. For example where they contain details about an individual or sensitive details about a commercial company or other organisation which it would not be appropriate for the Council to disclose at this time.

Archived Elected Member Briefing Notes have been moved to the 2022 archive and 2023 archive pages.

Issue NumberBriefing Note TitleIssue DatePublished/Exempt
036-25Transfer of Housing Repairs calls to Customer Service Centre12 March 2025Published
035-25Community Alarm system update9 March 2025Published
034-25Technical issue affecting Community Alarm system7 March 2025Published
033-25Update on consolidation review of Community Safety and Parking & Civil Contingencies7 March 2025Exempt
032-25National Speed Management Review (Transport Scotland)4 March 2025Published
030-25SLARC review of remuneration for councillors25 FebruaryPublished
029-25Council Chambers system issues19 FebruaryPublished
028-25Quarterly Treasury Report to December 202419 FebruaryPublished
027-25Levelling Up culture and capital funding update18 February 2025 Published
026-25Strike ballot13 February 2025Exempt
025-25A926 closure13 February 2025Published
024-25Update on approach to tackling damp, mould and condensation issues in Council tenancies11 February 2025Published
023-25Adult Support & Protection Week 202511 February 2025Published
022-25Drummond Arms Update6 February 2025Awaiting publication
021-25Update on latest national and local homelessness figures7 February 2025Published
020-25Perth parking survey - initial results6 February 2025Published
019-25Strathmore Community Hub 31 January 2025Exempt
018-25Canal Street Lade, Perth - repair works31 January 2025Awaiting publication
017-25Early engagement on Visitor Levy Scheme30 January 2025Awaiting publication
016-25Public Transport Transformation Project 30 January 2025Exempt
015-25Former Crieff Primary School29 January 2025Exempt
014-25Holiday pay legislation29 January 2025Awaiting publication
013-25Consolidation review of Community Safety and Parking & Civil Contingencies27 January 2025Exempt
012-25Consultation on the future of Bell's Sports Centre27 January 2025Published
011-25Storm Eowyn24 January 2025Exempt
010-25Storm Éowyn24 January 2025Published
009-25Storm Éowyn24 January 2025Published
008-25Storm Éowyn23 January 2025Published
007-25Storm Éowyn23 January 2025Published
006-25Friarton Bridge14 January 2025Published
005-25Friarton Bridge14 January 2025Published
004-25Strategic Lead - Education and Learning6 January 2025Awaiting publication
003-25Yellow warning for snow3 January 2025Published
002-25King's 2025 New Year's Honours List3 January 2025Published
001-25New Year's Day weather situation update1 January 2025Published
120-24Further update on weather situation, 31.12.2431 December 2024Published
116-24Local Government Benchmarking Framework - November 2024 update20 December 2024Published
115-24Perth Crematorium procedures update19 December 2024Published
114-24Canal Street repair works update18 December 2024Published
113-24Perth Harbour3 December 2024Exempt
112-23Canal Street sinkhole3 December 2024Published
111-24Interim Strategic Lead - Education and Learning28 November 2024Published
110-24Statistics on poverty and child poverty27 November 2024Published
109-24Update on flood warnings24 November 2024Published
108-24Further update on impact of Storm Bert24 November 2024Published
107-24Storm Bert update23 November 2024Published
106-24Preparations for Storm Bert22 November 2024Published
104-24New contractor for Double Dykes improvement project20 November 2024Published
103-24CAMHS Waiting Times19 November 2024Published
102-24Update on Soutar House disposal (issued to Perth City South Ward members)14 November 2024Exempt
101-24Community Planning Partnership update8 November 2024Published
100-24Love Local, Eat Local, Buy Local Campaign6 November 2024Published
099-24Christmas Lights Switch-On 20246 November 2024Published
098-24Air quality consultations - Perth and Crieff4 November 2024Published
097-24Rent Level Options consultation for 2025/261 November 2024Published
096-24Industrial Action in Schools21 October 2024Published
095-24Vacant and Eyesore Property Taskforce update22 October 2024Published
094-24Industrial action in schools update11 October 2024Exempt (information published as news releases)
093-24Pay Award/Industrial Action11 October 2024Published
092-24Strategic Lead - Education and Learning10 October 2024Published
091-24Food Insecurity Fund8 October 2024Published
090-24Street Weeds8 October 2024Published


Industrial Action in Schools8 October 2024Exempt
088-24HSCP Financial Recovery Plan1 October 2024 
087-24Annual homelessness statistics1 October 2024Published
086-24Update on Affordable Housing Supply Programme 2024/2526 September 2024Published
084-24Blairgowrie High School re-opening23 September 2024Published
083-24Blairgowrie High School water pipe22 September 2024Published
082-24Sale of Strathcona, Spoutwells Road, Scone19 September 2024Exempt
081-24Crieff Primary School update13 September 2024Exempt
080-24Further update on Double Dykes chalet replacement project11 September 2024Exempt
079-24Evacuation of Crieff Primary School update6 September 2024Exempt
078-24Restructuring of Council Executive and Strategic Leadership6 September 2024Published
074 to 077-24Evacuation of Crieff Primary School updates5/6 September 2024Exempt (information published as news releases)
073-24PH2O swimming pool usage mix2 September 2024Published
072-24Perth city centre car park utilisation30 August 2024Published
071-24Engagement and conclusions on ice provision30 August 2024Published
070-24SQA National Qualifications 202429 August 2024Published
069-24Road Gully Cleaning28 August 2024Published
068-24Update on Double Dykes chalet replacement project29 August 2024Exempt
067-24Employee Engagement Survey 202421 August 2024Published
066-24Strike action update13 August 2024Published
065-24Director - Economy, Place and Learning5 August 2024Published
064-24Strike Ballot31 July 2024Exempt
063-24Quarterly Treasury Report25 July 2024Published
062-24Microsoft Systems Outage19 July 2024Exempt
061-24LDP3 Topic Consultation8 July 2024Published
060-24Strategic Lead - Economy, Development and Planning3 July 2024Published
059-24Community Justice update26 June 2024Exempt
058-24Update on surplus public toilets25 June 2024Exempt
057-24King's Birthday Honours17 June 2024Published
056-24Housing Emergency in Scotland18 June 2024Exempt
055-24Summary of review of severe weather events12 June 2024Published
054-24Carse Medical Practice11 June 2024Exempt
053-24Short-term lets7 June 2024Exempt
052-24Grounds Maintenance service pressures7 June 2024Exempt
051-24Green Living Fund participatory budgeting evaluation30 May 2024Published
050-24Road verge cutting update30 May 2024Published
049-24Staffing changes - Housing Locality Housing Team Co-ordinators and Team Leaders24 May 2024Published
048-24Update on housing adaptation works29 May 2024Published
044-24Pool Cars Update17 May 2024Published
042-24Illegal Migration Act 2023 and Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 202410 May 2024Exempt
039-24Restoration work on Murray Fountain, Crieff30 April 2024Published
038-24Coupar Angus Action Plan progress26 April 2024Published
037-24UNCRC incorporation into Scottish law25 April 2024Published
036-24Gas repair works impact on Perth Racecourse23 April 2024Published
035-24Community Greenspace financial assistance for volunteer groups23 April 2024Published
034-24Community Asset Transfer update15 April 2024Exempt
033-24Grow Wild for Perth and Kinross12 April 2024Published
032-24Scottish Housing Regulator Engagement Plan 2024/2510 April 2024Published
031-24Perth Harbour update - future operations3 April 2024Exempt
030-24Campervan Waste Disposal2 April 2024Published
029-24Supporting Neurodiversity in Perth and Kinross Council3 April 2024Published
028-24Community Learning and Development Plan28 March 2024Published
027-24Shatter the Silence Suicide Prevention Campaign28 March 2024 Published
026-24Update on Stagecoach proposed timetable changes25 March 2024Exempt
025-24Local Government Benchmarking Framework Update - March 202418 March 2024Published
024-24Future Use of Surplus Public Toilets15 March 2024Published
023-24Bin Charges for New Build Properties13 March 2024Published
022-24Mid-year homelessness figures29 February 2024Published
021-24Stagecoach Proposed Timetable Changes27 February 2024 
020-24Update on Affordable Housing in Rural Perth and Kinross26 February 2024 
019-24Elected Member Business Support Survey26 February 2024 
018-24Update on rent levels for 2024/2520 February 2024Published
017-24Perth Harbour update19 February 2024Exempt
016-24Heat Networks and Strategic Energy Partnership16 February 2024Exempt
015-24A9 update16 February 2024Exempt
014-24Perth and Kinross response to the annual National Adult Support & Protection Day campaign15 February 2024Published
013-24Update on progress with Multi-Storeys Strategy12 February 2024Published
012-24Elected Member Briefing - Incident Management Team 5/2/20245 February 2024Published
011-24Elected Member Briefing - Incident Management Team 3/2/20243 February 2024Published
010-24Progress of Perth and Kinross fly-tipping strategy1 February 2024Published
009-24Update on Gypsy/Traveller encampment in Perth26 January 2024Exempt
008-24Stewart Milne Homes23 January 2024 
007-24Adverse Weather Update22 January 2024 
006-24Adverse Weather Update22 January 2024 
005-24Adverse weather update, 21 January 2024, 11.30pm21 January 2024Published
004-24Adverse weather update, 21 January 202421 January 2024Published
003-24Adverse weather update, 20 January 202420 January 2024Published
002-24Service charges for communal lighting/heating17 January 2024Published
001-24Twin stream recycling11 January 2024Published


Last modified on 12 March 2025

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