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Event safety guide

This event safety guidance (PDF, 1 MB) has been developed by Perth & Kinross Council to give basic advice to Council staff and external event organisers on how to organise safe and legal event having regard to local circumstances. 

It is a guide only; the information is not exhaustive, particularly in its references to relevant legislation but it should help to give you and your team a framework for taking your planning forward in a structured way.  As every event is different it would be impossible to produce guidance that covered every answer to every question but the guidance also provides useful contacts that can advise you on specific topics

The guide is split into four key steps:

Step 1: Legal requirements, essential arrangements and contacts

As an event organiser you must be aware of your legal responsibilities (PDF, 325 KB) including what permissions may be necessary, and it is essential that you liaise with various bodies and this may need to be continued throughout and on the day of the event.

Step 2: Risk assessment

The risk assessment (PDF, 222 KB) process consists of looking at what could reasonably foreseeably happen at an event which could cause injury or loss of life and then identifying and implementing measures to remove or reduce the risk to a suitable level.

Download a Risk assessment form (Word doc, 74 KB) to complete during this step.

Step 3: Draw up an event plan

Draw up an event plan (PDF, 310 KB) taking into account the findings of the risk assessment, including the site plan. On completion, distribute copies to organisers and relevant parties.

Step 4: Checklists

Pre-event checklist

Complete the pre-event checklist (PDF, 85 KB). It is suggested that you complete this form not less than two weeks prior to the event taking place. This will allow you sufficient time should further action be required.

During the event

Prior to the event starting and daily thereafter (for more than one-day events), the event location will require a walk round and the completion of the daily inspection checklist (PDF, 68 KB). Any problems found will require to be addressed immediately. It is advisable that additional walk rounds should be undertaken throughout the day.

If an accident occurs during the event, the event organiser or their representative must complete an event accident report form (Word doc, 30 KB).

Post-event checklist

At the end of the event the Post-event inspection checklist (PDF, 52 KB) should be completed and necessary action taken.

Organising a small event?

The Small event guide (PDF, 174 KB) will be useful to organisers of village fetes, small galas and similar lower risk events. Not all parts of this may apply to your event and this is provided as a guide only.

Last modified on 17 December 2018

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