The Perth and Kinross Forest Plan provides a framework for the sustainable management of Council maintained woodland assets over a 20 year period and allows external funding and community support to be sought to underpin this. The implementation of the Plan will help ensure the public's woodland asset is maintained and protected by the Council for future generations.
The Forest Plan, below, covers all woodland sites owned by the Council throughout Perth & Kinross. It explains the nature of the woodland areas and the suggested priorities and intentions for their future management.
- PKC Forest Plan 2015 - 2035 (PDF, 8 MB)
- Appendix A Forest Plan Deer management statement.pdf (PDF, 235 KB)
- Forest Plan Integrated Assessment (PDF, 21 KB)
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
The Forest Plan is accompanied by an Environmental Report, ensuring that the environmental effects of the Plan have been properly assessed.
- SEA Forest Plan SEA March 2014 (PDF, 1 MB)
- SEA Forest Plan Appendix 1 Description of sites, plans, links with Scottish Forest Strategy and management proposals (PDF, 8 MB)
- SEA Forest Plan Appendix 2 Compatibility of PPS Objectives (PDF, 92 KB)
- SEA Forest Plan Appendix 3 List of Linked Plans, Programs & Strategies (PDF, 187 KB)
- SEA Forest Plan Appendix 4 Archaeological Features Designations (PDF, 77 KB)
- SEA Forest Plan Appendix 5 Consultation Responses and how they influence the plan (PDF, 235 KB)
- SEA Forest Plan Appendix 6 SEA Objectives & Relationship with Baseline Data (PDF, 130 KB)
- SEA Forest Plan Appendix 7 SNH Site Management Statement - Birks of Aberfeldy (PDF, 412 KB)
- SEA Forest Plan Appendix 8 SNH Site Management Statement - Den of Alyth (PDF, 425 KB)
- SEA Forest Plan Appendix 9 SNH Site Management Statement - Kinnoull Hill (PDF, 543 KB)
- SEA Forest Plan Appendix 10 Habitats Regulations Appraisal (PDF, 1 MB)
For further information, please contact