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Integration Joint Board

An order to establish the Perth and Kinross Integration Joint Board (IJB) was laid before the Scottish Parliament on 4 September 2015 and was passed on 3 October 2015. The first meeting of the Perth & Kinross Integration Joint Board was held on 6 November 2015.

Agendas, reports and minutes (after 27 January 2018)

Agendas and reports are now published on the Committees pages of this website. In future agendas and reports will be available online via those pages at least five days prior to the Integration Joint Board. Minutes will be available once they have been considered at the next Integration Joint Board meeting. You can also register to receive an email alert when future agendas are published.

You can watch videos of IJB meetings on our YouTube page (starts from June 2018). 

Agendas, reports and minutes (before 27 January 2018)

Agenda and reportsMinutes
26/1/18 - Agenda & reports26/1/18 - Minutes
3/11/17 - Agenda & reports 
26/9/17 (special) - Agenda & reports26/9/2017 (Special) - Minute (PDF, 209 KB)
18/8/17 - Agenda & reports18/8/2017 - Minute (PDF, 420 KB)
30/6/17 - Agenda & reports30/6/2017 - Minute (PDF, 324 KB)
24/3/17 - Agenda & reports24/3/2017 - Minute (PDF, 167 KB)
3/2/17 - Agenda & reports3/2/2017 - Minute (PDF, 113 KB)
4/11/16 - Agenda & reports4/11/2016 - Minute (PDF, 3 MB)
26/8/16 - Agenda & reports26/08/16 - Minute (PDF, 21 KB)
1/7/16 - Agenda & reports01/07/16 - Minute (PDF, 18 KB)
13/5/16 - Agenda & reports13/5/16 - Minute (PDF, 373 KB)
23/3/16 - Agenda & reports23/3/16 - Minute (PDF, 688 KB)
26/2/16 (special) - Agenda & reports26/2/16 (special) - Minute (PDF, 189 KB)
15/1/16 - Agenda & reports15/1/16 - Minute (PDF, 165 KB)
6/11/15 - Agenda & reports06/11/15 - Minute (PDF, 480 KB)

Annual accounts


Annual audit

Last modified on 27 June 2024

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