The Evidence Report
We have started work on the next Local Development Plan (LDP3) that we anticipate will be approved in 2027 for the period between 2027 and 2037. Details of the plan preparation timetable, and the engagement that we will be conducting as part of the next Plan is provided in the Development Plan Scheme (2024) (PDF, 3 MB).
Our next Plan will be prepared to accord with the Scottish Government guidance on local development planning which has been published to support reforms made in the Planning Scotland Act (2019).
The gathering of evidence is the first key stage in the preparation of the next Plan and involves the production of the Evidence Report. The Evidence Report will set out the council's view on a wide range of matters related to the development and use of land in Perth and Kinross.
The Evidence Report will be approved by the Council before being submitted to Scottish Ministers for a 'Gatecheck'. The Gatecheck will involve a Scottish Government Reporter checking that the evidence is sufficient to provide a sound basis for preparing the Proposed Plan. Prior to finalising the Evidence Report and submitting it to the Gatecheck, it is important that we establish areas of agreement/disagreement with the evidence amongst key agencies and stakeholders.
Topic Papers
To provide a basis for the Evidence Report and to help establish the views of stakeholders on the evidence, we consulted on a number of topic papers covering a range of topics:
- Tackling the Climate and Nature Crises
- Biodiversity and Natural Places (including Landscape)
- Soils
- Forestry, Woodland and Trees
- Historic Assets and Places
- Green Belts
- Brownfield, Vacant and Derelict Land, and Empty Buildings
- Coastal Development and Aquaculture
- Energy, Heat and Cooling (including Infrastructure: Energy Supply Systems)
- Zero Waste
- Infrastructure: Communications and Digital Infrastructure
- Infrastructure: Transport (incorporating Sustainable Transport)
- Infrastructure: Education Facilities
- Infrastructure: Health Care Facilities
- Design, Quality and Place
- Local Living and 20 Minute Neighbourhoods
- Quality Homes and Rural Homes (part)
- Blue and Green Infrastructure
- Play, Recreation and Sport
- Flood Risk and Water Management (including Infrastructure: Drainage and Water Supply Systems)
- Health and Safety
- Community Wealth Building
- Business and Industry
- Retail, City, Town and Commercial Centres
- Rural Development and Rural Homes (part)
- Tourism
- Culture and Creativity
- Minerals