Land opportunities available to developers, investors and communities
This page was created to promote development opportunities within Perth and Kinross and highlight useful information for developers and potential investors who are looking to take forward projects supported by the Local Development Plan. Besides the information below, please also visit Invest in Perth for further opportunities.
Employment land opportunities
The Employment Land Audit map is currently down for maintenance and will be published back online as soon as possible. This spatial overview also includes information on relevant planning applications, employment land take up, sale schedules, site photographs and more. Detailed information on the Employment Land Audit can be found on LDP background research & information.
Housing & mixed-use land opportunities
Use our interactive Storymap to find sites which are available for housing and mixed-use development or are currently under construction. Only sites of 5 or more units are included. Detailed information on the Housing Land Audit can be found on the LDP Background Research & Information Page.
Self & custom build opportunities
We have further information on self or custom build opportunities in Perth & Kinross. We also have a Register that enables you to highlight where and what type of home you are interested in building. This will support our work to identify future sites for self-build plots.
Detailed site assessments
Site assessments undertaken through the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process provide useful information on site constraints and opportunities. We assessed a number potential development sites in order to determine whether they should be included in the Local Development Plan. The assessments below include allocated sites as well as those which were not taken forward in the adopted plan (2019). Please note the site assessments below are a snap-shot record of site information at the time of undertaking the assessment and therefore updated information may be available. We will continue to monitor sites and suggested proposals as part of the LDP3 process.
- Appendix E - Perth Area Site Assessments - A-G (PDF, 18 MB)
- Appendix E - Perth Area Site Assessments - H-Z (PDF, 13 MB)
- Appendix E - Highland Area Site Assessments (PDF, 10 MB)
- Appendix E - Kinross-shire Area Site Assessments (PDF, 12 MB)
- Appendix E - Strathearn Area Site Assessments (PDF, 11 MB)
- Appendix E - Strathmore Area Site Assessments (PDF, 13 MB)
- Appendix E - Site Assessments Contents Table (PDF, 554 KB)
- Appendix E - Site Assessments - LDP1 Sites Update (PDF, 833 KB)