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Local Housing Strategy

The current Local Housing Strategy (LHS) sets out Perth & Kinross Council's priorities and plans for the delivery of housing and related services for the period 2022-2027. The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 places a legal requirement on local authorities to produce a Local Housing Strategy which should be kept under regular review.

Our LHS Vision

The LHS Vision for 2022 to 2027 is that "Everyone in Perth and Kinross has access to the right home, in the right place, at the right cost."

You can watch a short explainer video of the LHS here: 

Our LHS Priorities

To make sure we can achieve our vision we will work towards four main priorities:

  • Provide more affordable homes to support liveable and sustainable communities - Setting a strategic vision for housing, based on evidence of local need, for providing the right size and type of housing in sustainable, well-connected places.
  • Provide a range of housing options that people can easily access, afford and keep - Improving choice across all types of housing, contributing to tackling child poverty and further developing the Council's Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP), building on our Home First model.
  • Deliver more homes for people with varying needs- Providing more accessible homes, wheelchair homes and supported accommodation to enable people to live independently and well for as long as possible. This will be done through investment in property adaptations, technology, and care & support services.
  • Deliver quality homes with affordable warmth, zero emissions and SMART technology - Improving the quality and energy efficiency of all types of homes, tackling fuel poverty through investment in properties, and setting a road map for reducing domestic carbon emissions.

The LHS is an all-tenure strategy and all four priorities include action to address the need for social rented housing through the Council and Housing Associations, private rented housing and home ownership options.

LHS Action Plan 2022-2027

The LHS Action Plan 2022-2027 (PDF, 338 KB) includes 35 actions which the Council and partners will take forward over the next five years. This will be monitored by an LHS Delivery Group.

Stay updated on the strategy's progress

Each year, we'll share an annual update on how we're progressing with the Local Housing Strategy.

You can view the Annual Progress Report for Year 1 and Year 2 (2022-2024) (PDF, 898 KB) of the strategy.

Preparing the Local Housing Strategy

The LHS for 2022-2027 was co-produced with community and housing partners, residents and other stakeholders between December 2021 and December 2022. You can view details of this in the LHS Consultation and Engagement Report.

Impact Assessments were also undertaken before finalising the LHS to consider the actions from the perspective of equality and fairness; sustainability and climate change; and health and wellbeing. You can view all Impact Assessments in the Downloads section of this page.

Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP)

All local authorities are required to supplement their LHS with a Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) which shows how affordable housing investment detailed in the LHS (and in subsequent updates) will be delivered in practice. The SHIP can be viewed in the Downloads section of this page.

Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA)

The Housing Need and Demand Assessment provides updated estimates of need and demand for housing for the local area. It estimates the need for affordable housing such as housing available to rent from the Council and Housing Associations, and low cost houses for sale. The HNDA can be viewed in the Downloads section of this page.

If you have any questions about the LHS please email

For reference, the previous Local Housing Strategy for 2016-22 (PDF, 2 MB) is available to view.

Last modified on 06 December 2024

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