Find out if you are entitled to a reduction in your council tax based on your personal circumstances
Please note that you must pay in accordance with your Council Tax bill until any discount is awarded. Should you have difficulty paying your bill, please telephone 01738 477430 or visit Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD, to discuss this with a member of the Local Taxes team.
You must advise the Local Taxes Team of any change of circumstances that may affect your entitlement to a discount or exemption.
Single person discount
This section provides information on applying for a new award and reviewing an existing award of a 25% Single Person Discount.
Low income households
You may be entitled to council tax reduction (formerly council tax benefit) if you are on a low income or receive certain benefits.
Disablement reduction
If a member of your household (an adult or a child), is permanently disabled, you may be able to get a reduction on your council tax bill.
Students, recent school or college leavers, apprentices and youth trainees
If a member of your household is a full time student, an apprentice or youth trainee or has recently left school or college and is under 20 years of age or is 18 years or older and child benefit is still in payment you may be eligible for a discount on your council tax.
Person under 18 years of age
Where all residents of a property are under 18, you will be able to get a 100% exemption on your council tax bill.
Local Authority care leavers
Care leavers may be exempt from paying Council Tax, or may be disregarded from the calculation of the number of adult residents for Council Tax discount purposes.
Persons providing or receiving care and those with a severe mental impairment
If a member of your household is in hospital as a long-term patient or in a care home, absent to provide or receive care or has a severe mental impairment you may be able to get a discount on your council tax bill
Persons in detention or prison
If a member of your household is in detention or prison, you may be able to get a discount on your council tax bill.
Visiting forces
Where a property is occupied by members of visiting forces, you may be able to claim a discount on your council tax.
Members of religious communities
If you are a member of a religious community, you may be able to get a discount on your council tax bill.
Person receiving child benefit
If a member of your household is 18 but you are still entitled to child benefit for them, you may be able to get 25% discount on your council tax bill.