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Exclusion of pupils

Including all children and young people effectively in education is a key aim for us.

Continuous positive engagement with education helps promote the development of happy and achieving children and young people.

Exclusion should be a last resort when all other measures have been tried, or in response to very serious incidents. Exclusion should not be used as a punishment and each exclusion should reflect individual circumstances and should be as brief as possible.
Our guidance on exclusions, Fostering Inclusion Reducing Exclusion (PDF, 1 MB), continues to emphasise the importance of inclusion and meeting the needs of excluded children and young people. It also highlights the duties of the school to continue to provide education for excluded children and young people.

In addition to the guidance document, an Easy Read Guide for Staff (PDF, 238 KB) and information on exclusion for parents (PDF, 237 KB) produced by Enquire is available for schools to share.


Last modified on 13 February 2025

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