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Reducing falls in care homes

Falls and the consequences of falls can significantly impact a person's wellbeing, mobility and confidence. Older people living in care homes are three times more likely to fall than older people living in their own homes, with the results of these falls often being more serious.

Many factors can contribute to this heightened risk, such as physical frailty, the presence of long term conditions, physical inactivity, taking multiple medications and the unfamiliarity of new surroundings. However, in many cases taking the right steps at the right time can actively support an individual and reduce the risk of falls and harm from falls. (Care Inspectorate)

In 2016, the Care Inspectorate and Scottish Government issued a revised edition of the Managing Falls and Fractures in Care Homes for Older People Good Practice Resource.

Perth & Kinross Health & Social Care Partnership encourages all care homes to consider the following;

Falls - Train the trainer

The Perth & Kinross Service Manager is training key individuals from care homes to deliver falls awareness education programmes to their staff. The following is supporting this

Last modified on 17 June 2024

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