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Reducing pressure ulcers in care homes

Pressure ulcers are an unwanted complication of illness, severe physical disability or increasing frailty.

Older people in care homes are among the most vulnerable people in society and have a high risk of developing pressure ulcers.

In May 2016 the Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership (PKHSCP) was involved in a national "Reducing Pressure Ulcers in Care Homes Improvement Programme", alongside Healthcare Improvement Scotland(HIS), the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP), Care Inspectorate, Scottish Care and 5 care homes - Catmoor, Robert Douglas Memorial, Stormont Lodge, Dalnaglar and Craigieknowes.

From this, a range of resources, tools and templates were identified and shared with all Perth & Kinross care homes.

As of June 2021, the PKHSCP in conjunction with the participating care homes have agreed the following resources for use within all Perth and Kinross care homes.

Information for residents can also be found using the following links:

Last modified on 06 July 2022

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