Safer Communities Co-Ordinators
Summarised below are the types of issues the team can provide advice, support, guidance on or take action, working in partnership with other Council services such as housing and social work, and other partner agencies such as Police Scotland, and Scottish Fire and Rescue Services.
By reporting these incidents, this supports the team in identifying potential developing issues which can be resolved by early intervention/discussions.
Investigation, management and resolution of anti-social behaviour such as
- noise nuisance
- drunken behaviour
- verbal abuse
- drug dealing/discarded drug paraphernalia and removal
- youth gathering/behaviour
- road safety issues
Investigation, management and resolution of environmental issues/crime such as
- fly-tipping
- vandalism
- graffiti/fly-posting
Partnership working with other agencies on issues such as
- people trafficking/exploitation
- prostitution
- racism/homophobia
- terrorism/radicalisation/extremism
- supporting vulnerable people
- fire risks
- water safety issues
- home safety
- Analysis, investigations and information-sharing in relation to dangerous people through Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA), High-Risk Adult Review Group (HRARG) and other multi-agency groups and meetings.
Safer Communities Wardens
The team are based at Perth Community Fire Station in an innovative co-location and partnership arrangement. The Safer Communities Wardens work across Perth and Kinross to:
- carry out visible targeted intelligence-led patrols
- provide a uniformed response to community and individual problems
- monitor and respond to the Safer Communities Team 24-hour reporting line
- carry out joint home safety visits with firefighters
- co-ordinate Bikeability and other road safety initiatives
- deliver Junior Warden programme in schools
- Carry out joint operations with Police and Fire colleagues and other services in response to developing and seasonal demands such as youths causing annoyance, water safety, city centre issues, fireworks night, festive safety and Halloween