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Benefits for sick or disabled people and carers

If you are sick, disabled or caring for someone who is, you may qualify for certain benefits.

Unable to work due to illness or disability?

If you are an employee, you could get Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if you have been off work for more than 3 days in a row.  This can be paid for up to 28 weeks.  

If your SSP has ended, you are self-employed or you don't have an employer, you may be able to get new style Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and/or Universal Credit

A Work Capability Assessment will be carried out to assess your limitations. 

If your illness or disability was caused by an accident or disease at work, you may be able to claim Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit.  

Disability benefits for people in or out of work

If you are under State Pension age and have a long-term health condition or disability, you may qualify for Adult Disability Payment.. This can be paid to you whether or not you are working and it isn't affected by income or savings. 

If you are State Pension age you could get Attendance Allowance instead. 

Disabled child?

If you have a child who has a disability or a long term condition/illness, they may be able to get Child Disability Payment.

If you are responsible for a child or young person who receives Child Disability Payment, Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment it can increase the amount of Universal Credit or Tax Credits you are entitled to.

If you are responsible for a child or young person up to the age of 18 who receives the highest rate care component of Child Disability Payment or Disability Living Allowance you may be entitled to Child Winter Heating Payment.

Child in hospital?

If you're the parent, primary carer or sibling (aged under 18) of a young inpatient under the age of 18 receiving hospital care, you can claim for the costs of travel and food through the Young Patients Family Fund.

Caring for someone?

You could get Carer Support Payment if you are looking after someone who gets either:

  • the middle or highest rate care component of Child Disability Payment
  • the middle or highest rate care component of Disability Living Allowance
  • the daily living component of Personal Independent Payment
  • the daily living component of Adult Disability Payment
  • any rate of Attendance Allowance

Sometimes claiming Carers Support Payment can impact on the disabled person's benefits. Seek advice before claiming.  

If you are aged 16-18 and caring for someone you may be entitled to the Young Carer Grant.

If you receive or provide care or support to another person you may be able to get a Carers Disregard on your council tax.  If you live with one other adult that you provide care for, a 25% discount could apply.  If there are other adults residing at the property, you may still be entitled to a discount depending on their circumstances

Cancer diagnosis?

There are a range of benefits you may get if you have a cancer diagnosis.  You can contact our Macmillan Welfare Rights service for advice and information tailored to your individual circumstances. 

Terminally ill?

There are special rules that apply to some benefits if you have a terminal illness. This allows benefit to be paid faster and at the highest rate. These are Attendance AllowanceAdult Disability PaymentChild Disability PaymentDisability Living Allowance, new style Employment and Support Allowance, Personal Independence Payment  and Universal Credit.

Turned down for benefit?

If you have been turned down for a benefit or have received a decision that you are not happy about, you can ask for the decision to be looked at again. This is called a mandatory reconsideration or re-determination. If the decision is not revised in your favour, you can appeal against the decision

Making a complaint

If you are unhappy with the service you receive in relation to your benefits, you may want to consider making a complaint.

Last modified on 04 March 2025

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