There are various methods for tenants to get involved with the Housing services they receive.
Perth & Kinross Council aims to include as many tenants as possible to help us make decisions on issues like rent levels, and how we spend rent money on improving their homes.
Tenant Participation - Get involved
At Perth & Kinross Council we are committed to providing our tenants with plenty of opportunities to get involved and help to shape, influence and improve the services we deliver.
You can get involved as little or as much as you like. We have different levels of involvement to suit your needs and the amount of time you may have available.
There are many benefits to getting involved such as meeting new people, having your say, gaining new skills, confidence building, making a difference.
To help our volunteers we provide travel and child care expenses and those meetings are held in places that are close to where people live and are accessible
Derek Wilkie is one of our tenants who is active in participation. Here he explains how volunteering benefits him personally:
Tenant and Resident Participation Strategy
The Tenant and Resident Participation Strategy for 2024-2027 (PDF, 296 KB) was approved by Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee on October 2nd 2024, and was written with the involvement of our tenants,
This was the second time our tenants have written the Tenant and Resident Participation Strategy. The new approach has given tenants a unique opportunity to develop a Strategy that truly reflects their views and aspirations. It will build on the achievements and successes of the last strategy in relation to tenant-led scrutiny and the involvement of tenants and service users in decision making.
Four key strategic priorities for participation have been agreed with tenants, which are:
- Creating a culture of tenant participation across staff and tenants.
- Improving communication and keeping tenants informed of the decisions which affect them.
- Ensuring everyone has a say in the housing decisions that matter to them.
- Ensuring tenants and communities lead the way in improving neighbourhoods and places.
To support these priorities, a menu of opportunities has been drawn up to encourage tenants to participate in a range of different ways. These include taking part in online consultations, attending events either in-person or online, joining groups set up to scrutinise services, or even just communicating with staff through our dedicated social media channels for tenants
Regular updates
We consult and inform tenants through things like the "On The House" magazine for Council tenants. We also use social media, email and text messaging to keep tenants up-to-date with local housing issues that affect them. If you would like to sign up to receive email updates you can sign up using this webpage.
Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to keep up with the latest news.
Multi-Storeys Newsletter
If you live in one of our multi-storeys, we produce a regular newsletter for tenants and residents to keep you up-to-date with what's going on in your blocks. If you would like a version of this newsletter in plain text please contact us by emailing