The Angus, Dundee and Perth and Kinross Community Planning Partnerships have together formed the Tayside Regional Improvement Collaborative (TRIC), with the aim of ensuring our children have the best start in life and making Tayside the best place in Scotland to grow up.
The Improvement Lead for the Tayside Collaborative is Audrey May, Executive Director, Children and Families Service, Dundee City Council.
The Tayside Collaborative has established five working groups to reflect the priorities identified in theTayside Plan for Infants, Children, Young People and Families 2023 - 2026 (PDF, 980 KB):
- Pre-birth and Early Years
- Learning and Attainment
- Mental Health and Well-Being
- Care Experienced Children and Young People
- Safeguarding and Child Protection
Visit the TRIC website for further information.