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Providing accommodation for Ukrainians

As the war in Ukraine continues, more refugees from the country will arrive in the UK.

Perth bridge in Ukranian colours

If you would like to help by offering accommodation to a Ukrainian refugee, or a family, you can let the UK Government know.

It may be that you can offer a spare bedroom in your home, or you are a landlord with an empty property that could be used.

If you would like to note your interest in providing accommodation for any displaced persons fleeing Ukraine you can do so using the UK Government's Homes for Ukrainians website.

All direct offers of housing, including the offer of a spare room, should be logged on the interest section of this website.

All sponsors will need to go through disclosure checks  The fee for these has been waived and a specialist team has been created in Disclosure Scotland to deal with the checks for sponsors with confirmed matches.

If you are a tenant living in a Perth & Kinross Council home and you are interested in housing a refugee, please contact your Locality Housing Office on 01738 476000 (option 2) to discuss the situation before you register your interest on the UK Government website.

You can also offer a room in your home to a refugee by registering at the Room For Refugees charity.

The Scottish Refugee Council is pulling together information for people in Scotland affected by the crisis in Ukraine and the No Accommodation Network has produced a guide on good practice for those interested in becoming host families.

For more information about the range of support available for people fleeing Ukraine you can also visit:

Community Groups - Support and Assistance

If you are looking to set up a community group, supporting hosts and people from Ukraine, or are currently part of a group, and are looking for further guidance and support please contact Gisele Hall at PKAVS on or find further information on PKAVS' website.

The Ukrainian Weekend Club starts on Sunday October 2 at 11am and includes sessions for children and adults.

It is held at Education Centre Bajka, 7 Rose Terrace, Perth, PH1 5HA.

Support for Ukrainian families

Families who arrive in the UK from Ukraine will be entitled to support and access to health and social care services.

Perth & Kinross Council' Welfare Rights Team has information on Benefits for Ukrainian refugees, including details on what is needed to make a claim.

The Early Intervention and Prevention Team is the first point of contact for people who need access to Health and Social Care services.

If you are over 16 and think you require any kind of social care then you contact the Early Intervention and Prevention Team.

Children under 18 who arrive unaccompanied in Perth and Kinross will be provided accommodation with foster carers.

The team is available from Monday to Friday, between 8.45 am and 5.00 pm; 0345 30 111 20 or via email

Other useful phone numbers include:

  • Adult Protection: 0345 30 111 20
  • Child Protection: 01738 476768
  • Samaritans: 116 123
  • Breathing Space (Mental Health Crisis & Suicide Prevention): 0800 83 85 87

Perth & Kinross Council's Support for adults and older people is available online.

St Johnstone FC Ukrainian star Max Kucheriavyi has recorded this message for Ukrainians arriving in Perth and Kinross:

Information on what Ukrainians should do if they are concerned abouth human trafficking is available through the charity, TARA.


The Open University has made several courses available to support Ukrainians who have arrived in the UK.

Online English classes are also available from e-sgoil.  Classes take place at 7.30pm on Thursdays. Email e-sgoil for more information.

ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) Classes



  • 9:15-10.15am - Intermediate group - online
  • 10-11.30am - Intermediate group - the Learning Curve, AK Bell Library
  • 1-2.30pm - Beginner group - the Learning Curve, AK Bell Library


  • 11.30 - 1pm - Intermediate group - Glenearn Community Campus
  • 3.30-4.30pm - Intermediate2 group -online


  • 1-2pm - Beginner group - the Learning Curve, AK Bell Library
  • 2-3pm - Intermediate group -North Inch Community Campus

Please email or phone 01738 477092 for more information.



  • 1pm Elementary
  • 2pm Beginner
  • 5pm Elementary
  • 7pm Beginner            


  • 1pm Starter beginner
  • 2pm Elementary
  • 4pm Pre-intermediate
  • 6pm Pre-intermediate


  • 1pm Pre-intermediate
  • 2pm Pre-intermediate
  • 5pm Pre-intermediate
  • 6pm Upper int/advanced

Please always reserve a place at any session with Bec Cameron on 07854 152857.


  • Monday 4-5pm - Intermediate 2 - Strathearn Community Campus

Please contact or phone 01738 477092 for more information.


  • Tuesday - 4-5pm -Level: tbc, Community Connect, Rattray
  • Wednesday - 1.30-2.30pm -Elementary - online.

Please contact or phone 01738 477092 for more information.


If you think you need to attend A&E but it is not an emergency then you should first call NHS 24 on 111.

NHS Tayside's website has more information on health services available in Perth and Kinross. Information on how to access NHS services is available in Ukrainian and Russian.

NHS Inform is available on 0800 22 44 88 or online. Its website also contains advice on how to register with a GP.

Letters to parents about Strep A in both Ukrainian and Russian are available for download on this page.


When families who have arrived from Ukraine are ready to send their children to school in Perth and Kinross, they should approach their local school.

Staff will record their details and give advice and information on enrolment.  Families who have not already enrolled children in a school will be able to do so from 15 August when schools re-open after the summer holidays.

If families are not sure which school is their local school, advice can be provided by emailing Education and Children's Services.

All children will be entitled to free school meals until a financial assessment has been carried out on their family's income.  Those who qualify for Free School Meals will continue to receive them.

Early Learning and Childcare (ELC)

All 3-5 year olds are entitled to 1140 hours per year of funded (free) early learning and childcare (ELC) at a Local Authority setting or partner provider.   To register for ELC or obtain further advice, please contact


Information on how to access social-rented housing in the Perth and Kinross area.

We have a Common Housing Register in Perth and Kinross which provides a single point of access to around 11,000 provided by Perth & Kinross Council, Caledonia, Hillcrest and Kingdom Housing Associations.  There are typically around 1,000 vacancies or new-build properties that become available for allocation each year. We prioritise applications based on urgent housing need such as those who are homeless, those with a medical need and families living in overcrowded accommodation.

How to apply

Please contact the Housing Options Team by calling 01738 476000 or by email.  A Housing Options Officer will be able to provide you with advice on your housing situation and will complete an application for housing with you if appropriate

What should I do if I am homeless?

If you are homeless or think you may become homeless in the next two months you should contact your local area housing team, or call us on 01738 476000 as soon as you can.

It is very important that you get in touch straight away.

The Council provides a homeless service that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

During normal working hours (Monday - Friday between 8.45am and 5pm) telephone number: 01738 476000.

Outwith normal working hours (from 5pm to 8.45am week days, and during weekends & public holidays) we operate an emergency service for people who find themselves homeless and need immediate accommodation. This service is based at Greyfriars House, 55 Princes Street, Perth PH2 8LJ. Freephone telephone number: 0800 917 0708

Council Tax

New legislation introduced from 1 April 2022 that ensure no-one's Council Tax is to be adversely affected if they provide accommodation for those fleeing the war in Ukraine.

  • Ukrainian refugees will be disregarded when assessing if a household qualifies for the single person discount
  • A property that is "the sole or main residence" of only Ukrainian refugees will be exempt from council tax
  • The status and income of Ukrainian residents living with families in Scotland under the scheme will not be considered when calculating any council tax reduction.
Last modified on 02 July 2024

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