The Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership is made up of representatives from Perth and Kinross Council, NHS Tayside and other community partners.
The aim is to improve things for people who need the support of health and social care at the same time. By working together the partners want to ensure that people will receive the seamless support they need to live active, healthy and independent lives in their own homes for as long as possible. In Perth and Kinross, we recognise that people who are ill, vulnerable or have disabilities, often need support from a number of services to enable then to live as independently as possible and to prevent unnecessary stays in hospital or in residential care. The challenge is to deliver services with communities in new ways, as demands on services increase.
Chief Officer/Director - Jacquie Pepper
Staff working for the Partnership remain employed through the Council, NHS Tayside, or the community partner who recruited them. Partnership staff employed by Perth and Kinross Council work in Adult Social Work and Social Care teams.
Chief Finance Officer/Head of Governance and Performance - Donna Mitchell
Responsible for:
- financial management
- risk and governance
- business planning, performance and improvement
- commissioning
Clinical Director - Hamish Dougall
Responsible for:
- care and clinical governance professional leads