1. MyPKC

Private Residential Tenancy

The Private Residential Tenancy is being introduced from 1 December 2017 and will replace all other tenancy types for new tenancies after this date. Landlords will not be able to issue new tenants with assured or short assured tenancies after 1 December 2017.

There are a number of key changes with the new Private Residential Tenancy Agreement.  The following document is the Scottish Government information for landlords with full details about the new tenancy agreement.

Landlords should note that tenants will have the protections of a Private Residential Tenancy after this date, even if they have issued a tenancy agreement for another type of tenancy.

The Scottish Government have issued a model Private Residential Tenancy Agreement and mandatory accompany notes.

If you do not use the model Private Residential Tenancy Agreement you are required to provide tenants with the statutory guidance notes, as well as the tenancy agreement.

If you would like further assistance or have any questions about the PRT please contact the Private Sector Access Team on 01738 476000.

Last modified on 16 November 2017

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