If you wish to make an appeal against our decision on your homelessness application or accommodation offer you have a legal right to ask for a review.
If you think our decision on your application is wrong or we didn't have enough information to make the right decision you have a legal right to ask us to undertake a review.
You can also appeal against any accommodation we offer you if you feel it doesn't meet the needs of you and your household.
How to Request a Review
You have 21 days from the date of your decision letter (or offer of accommodation) to ask us for a review. You can ask for a review by:
- completing the Request for a Review Form (PDF, 215 KB)
- emailing the Homeless Operations Manager at housingoptionsandsupport@pkc.gov.uk
- contacting us and ask for an appointment with the Homeless Operations Manager
Your review request should clearly state why you feel our decision is wrong or the accommodation we have offered you is unsuitable.
You can bring a friend, adviser or legal representative with you to a review interview. If you need an interpreter or assistance due to hearing, speech or sight difficulties please let us know and we will make the necessary arrangements for you.
Your review will take 14 days from your request. A senior officer who was not involved in making the original decision will do it.
Until the review is finished and you receive the results you can stay in any temporary accommodation we have offered you. The letter will explain reasons for our decision, and will be sent to the address you gave us. You can also collect it from Pullar House.
You do not have the right to a further review of the Council's decision. We will continue to help you with advice and support you need.
Lodge a Complaint
If you are not satisfied with the way your application has been handled you have the right to go to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.
If your review is unsuccessful and you are still unhappy you may apply to the court to seek a judicial review. It is important to get independent legal advice before you do so. The advice is available from solicitors, Shelter Scotland or the Citizens Advice Bureau.