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Our work

Perth & Kinross Council works with our partners as part of the Tayside Local Resilience Partnership (Tayside LRP) to plan for and respond to emergencies.


Our work is guided by the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and the Contingency Planning (Scotland) Regulations 2005 (amended 2013).  This legislation places clear roles and responsibilities on those organisations with a part to play in responding to emergency situations.

The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 defines emergency responders into two categories.  Category 1 responders are the principal organisations with a role to play in responding to an emergency and Category 2 responders are those who provide support, such as utility and transport companies.  The Tayside LRP consists of Category 1 Responders (Perth & Kinross Council, Angus Council, Dundee City Council, Scottish Ambulance Service, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, NHS Tayside, Maritime & Coastguard Agency and Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) and Category 2 responders (utilities and transport).

Our role in an emergency

Perth & Kinross Council's emergency preparation, response and recovery planning is based on the principles of Integrated Emergency Management where the focus is on the effects of events rather than their causes and is undertaken as an extension of normal day to day activities. The nature of the councils' normal work means that there are natural groupings of people who work together in the following functional / service areas:

  • Care and support for people
  • Infrastructure
  • Environment
  • Economy

Management of response to emergencies builds upon these established networks.

Last modified on 22 February 2024

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