Relief from rates is available to a variety of properties within a designated rural settlement area with a population of less than 3,000.
Post Offices, general stores and food stores
100% relief can be awarded to qualifying properties where;
- They are the only such business within the designated rural settlement area
- They have a rateable value of £8,500 or less
Where the rateable value exceeds £8,500 but is no more than £17,000 an award of 50% discretionary relief only may be awarded. Please see below for further information.
A General Store must retail food and household goods.
A Food Store excludes premises that are wholly used for confectionary and the supply of catered or heated food.
A Post Office must meet the criteria of the Postal Services Act 2000.
Hotels, Public Houses and Filling Stations
100% mandatory relief can be awarded to qualifying properties where;
- They are the only such business within the designated rural settlement area
- They have a rateable value of £12,750 or less
- The ratepayer cannot be the ratepayer of any other such property within Scotland
Hotels and Public Houses must have authorisation to sell liquor under the terms of Section 9 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 1976
Filling Stations must retail petrol or other automotive fuels to the general public.
Relief for other rural businesses
Relief ranging from 50% to 100% can also be awarded on a discretionary basis to any business within a Rural Settlement Area where;
- They are deemed to be of a benefit to the local community.
- The rateable value is £17,000 or under.
- It is reasonable to make the award, giving regard to the Council tax payers.
Examples include;
- 50% relief for food stores, general stores and post offices where the rateable value prevents mandatory relief being awarded.
- 100% relief for village schools
- 100% relief for public conveniences
- 50% relief for chemists and pharmacies
This list is not exhaustive and an application will be considered from any business within a defined Rural Settlement Area.
How do I apply?
For further information, please contact Local Taxes by phoning 01738 477430 or email