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Sustainable Development

The Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 places a duty on the Council under Best Value 'to discharge its duties in a way which contributes to the achievement of sustainable development'.

What is it and what does it mean for Perth and Kinross?

Sustainable development is broadly defined as ensuring that the needs of present generations are met in a way that doesn't damage the ability for future generations to meet their needs. It aims to improve the long-term well-being of the area without storing up problems for the future, ensuring a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come.

The Council has a key role to play in helping to deliver a more sustainable area, as an employer with responsibility for staff and buildings, as a provider of local services, and as a community leader working in partnership with other organisations, stakeholders and local communities.

Monitoring Sustainable Development in Perth and Kinross Council

In line with Best Value statutory guidance, the Council's sustainable development contribution is monitored and reported through an annual sustainable development performance report.  The Sustainable Development Performance Update Report for 2023/24 and Progress Report on 2022/23 actions provide an update on the latest contribution. 

Previous reports

Sustainable Development Performance Report 2022/23 and Sustainable Development Action Plan for 2022/23

As well as internal processes to screen for and monitor environmental, social and economic well-being - a set of sustainable development 'Quality of Life' indicators are used to monitor the Council's sustainable development contribution in progressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across Perth and Kinross. This summary report from December 2023 provides an update. You can view the most up to date Quality of Life data and information via the Perth and Kinross Council Quality of Life Dashboard.

Wider national and international Sustainable Development agenda

Our approach is consistent with both the Scottish Government National Outcomes and the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development

Last modified on 25 April 2024

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