There are many other path networks throughout the Perth & Carse area of Perthshire, some of which have been signed as part of the network of core paths.
Path information
- River Tay Public Art Trail - Take a tour of Perth's River Tay Public Art Trail with our Storymap App (opens new window)
- Errol to Puddock wood
- Muir Wood
- Errol Loops - The Carse of Gowrie Group meet every month or so in Errol Village Hall and take an interest in maintaining some parts of the local footpath network, creating new paths and orchards. For more information please visit the CoGG website (opens new window).
- Bogle Burn Circuit Longforgan (PDF, 708 KB)
- North of Longforgan
- Huntly Wood
- North Inch circuit Perth (PDF, 617 KB)
- South Inch circuit Perth (PDF, 626 KB)
- Perth Lade
- Perth Riverside circuit. (PDF, 686 KB) - Tay Street across the river to Rodney Gardens and the Norie Miller Walk.
- Riverside path to Luncarty
- Forgandenny to Bridge of Earn
- Forgandenny South
- Castle Law circuit
- Cycle path Perth to Almondbank
- Noah's Ark circuit
- Soutar Walks leaflet and map (PDF, 6 MB)
- Maps of adjacent path networks
Other Paths
You can view the Council's Core Paths Plan and Rights of way on an interactive map which shows a wide network of paths.
If you come across any problems on the paths, including signposts and path furniture such as stiles and gates, please report them to us by contacting or calling 01738 475000.
Last modified on 24 October 2024