If you are a member of a religious community, you may be able to get a discount on your council tax bill.
You may be eligible for 25% discount if you live with another adult or 50% discount if you live alone or only with others who qualify. If there are other adults residing at the property, you may still be entitled to a discount depending on their circumstances. Please contact Local Taxes on 01738 477430 for more information.
This discount reduces your Council Tax, water and sewerage.
To qualify, you must:
- be a member of a religious community whose main occupation is prayer, contemplation, education, the relief of suffering or a range of these
- have no capital or income of your own (a pension from a former employer is disregarded)
- depend on the religious community for your material needs
How to apply
- By telephoning Local Taxes on 01738 477430
- By completing and returning the personal discount application (PDF, 830 KB) form
- In person at Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD
- By emailing localtaxes@pkc.gov.uk
Further evidence may be required.
Last modified on 10 January 2017