To help you find information from the Archive's collections, volunteers from the Friends of P&KC Archive have been working on creating different kinds of electronic finding aids.
Our online databases are currently unavailable due to a technical issue, which we are working to resolve. If you have a specific enquiry, or are looking for a named individual, please get in touch with the Archive Team ( or 01738 477022) and we will be pleased to help with your research.
They are each on different topics, ones we think will be of interest to you. Some of them re-create the information of the original documents, while others point you to which collections are likely to hold the kind of material you are seeking.
These databases offer detailed descriptions of this collection's documents.
Archive source list on railways
Find which collections in the Archive contain information about WW1, particularly about life on the home front.
Find which collections contain information about the war, particularly about life on the home front.
Look through the tables to see if your ancestor appears in any of our collections.
Find members of the Threipland family, their relatives, friends and associates. Look for tenants and workers on the estates in Perthshire and Caithness, as well as local tradesmen.
The Archive holds all the burial registers for Perth burgh and the Friends have transcribed the earliest volumes
Find details from the original records about the Jacobites and their activities