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What GIRFEC aims to achieve

GIRFEC uses eights areas of wellbeing in which children and young people need to progress in order to do well, both now and in the future. The 8 areas which inform the picture of a child's well-being are known as well-being indicators.  These are:

  • Safe...protected from abuse, neglect or harm
  • Healthy...experiencing the highest standards of physical and mental health, and supported to make healthy, safe choices
  • Achieving...receiving support and guidance in their learning - boosting their skills, confidence and self-esteem
  • Nurtured...having a nurturing and stimulating place to live and grow
  • Active...having opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities - helping them to build a fulfilling and happy future
  • Respected...given a voice and involved in the decisions that affect their wellbeing
  • Responsible...taking an active role within their schools and communities
  • Included...getting help and guidance to overcome social, educational, physical and economic inequalities; accepted as full members of the communities in which they live and learn

These wellbeing indicators form the wellbeing wheel and are set in the context of the four capacities, which are at the heart of Curriculum for Excellence. These four capacities are our aim for every child and young person - to be a successful learner, a confident individual, a responsible citizen and an effective contributor.

No matter where they live or whatever their needs, children, young people and their families should always know where they can find help, what support might be available and why that help is right for them.

For children, young people and their families, Getting it right for every child means...

  • They will feel confident about the help they are getting.
  • They understand what is happening and why.
  • They have been listened to carefully and their wishes have been heard and understood.
  • They can rely on appropriate help being available as soon as possible.
  • They will have experienced a more streamlined and coordinated response from practitioners.

For staff working with children, young people and their families, Getting it right for every child means...

  • The child or young person is at the centre of your work, understanding what their unique needs are and how you can help.
  • You use common tools, language and processes to consider a child or young person's wellbeing, working closely with them, their parent(s) and other professionals, supporting them where appropriate.
  • You feel confident that you have the right information to provide the best support you can to a child or young person and their parent(s).

This means services working together and putting children and their families at the heart of decision making so that we can give all our children and young people the best possible start in life.

Last modified on 19 December 2019

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