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Our delivery partner: The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Perth and Kinross Association

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Perth & Kinross Association is an organisation which aims to provide wide ranging support to all Licensed Organisations and Award centres in Perth and Kinross.

The Operating Authority of PKC has a close partnership with the Association to maximise the quality of the DofE experience for all involved, and to ensure a wide range of opportunities are available.  This support is manifested by advice, supply and hire of equipment (including specialist equipment), provision of transport, funding, and support with managing volunteers, training, expeditions and celebrating success.

Training opportunities may be provided by the Association or part-funded - this includes courses in First Aid, National Governing Body (NGB) training and assessment courses and MiDAS (minibus driving) training and qualification courses. Support for any form of training or qualification may be considered provided there is suitable interest in it and it is relevant to the delivery of the DofE.

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Last modified on 30 July 2018

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