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Services for young people

Services for young people will work with and support young people aged between 12 and 25 and their families to resolve concerns at home, school and community.

Who are we?

The team consists of:

  • Youth Work and
  • Throughcare and aftercare

All include both full and part time staff, working across our localities, our schools and in our facility @Scott Street to support the provision and development of the Service across Perth and Kinross.

For more information or to request support, please contact your local worker or by emailing or

Youth Strategy

In light of a renewed focus on support for young people through the Universal Youth Partnership and the United Nations Convention on Rights of a Child (UNCRC), a new Strategy (PDF, 875 KB) has been developed in collaboration with young people to formalise our commitment to actions in line with what they told us was important to them.

Extensive consultation was undertaken as part of the development of the Strategy. This included three group consultations with young people from across Perth and Kinross, numerous individual consultations through involvement of Youth Services and consultation with partners.  Young people involved in the consultations shared some very difficult personal stories and showed they were committed to improving life for their peers. They recognised the need for some young people to be supported to understand the impact of their behaviour on others and talked about how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed their lives.

Findings from the consultation showed that young people wanted to improve their communities, contribute to society and be free from bullying and discrimination. This Strategy provides a framework for that change.  Our Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) have encouraged and supported the development of the Youth Forum to drive forward the Strategy, which is being supported by the Children's Rights Officer. The forum will be chaired by an MSYP, with representatives from a range of youth organisations, ensuring that there is a collective voice from our young people.

It is anticipated in time, that the forum will challenge and support policies and practice in the best interests of young people. The forum will ensure that Article 12 of the UNCRC will be adhered to, in that, young people will be listened to and taken seriously.

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