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Water supply risk assessment

Trained and experienced officers from this Service will get in touch to arrange a suitable date and time. Along with relevant and/or interested persons we will look at the whole supply from the source to the taps. The visit is likely to take 1 - 4 hours, depending on the complexity of the supply. The process is designed to include all types and sizes of supply, it highlights possible contamination routes and increases awareness of the potential risks and the importance of ongoing maintenance amongst users.

The benefits include an impartial investigation of whole supply and sound advice regarding suitable treatment. A feedback letter will detail improvements, if required. Where Water supply improvement grants are sought, these improvements will be called 'approved works'.

For domestic properties served by small supplies (type B under 2006 Regulations) this risk assessment if free.

Different legislation applies to commercial properties on a Regulated supply.

The Council is required to carry out risk assessments on regulated private water supplies by 1 January 2022 and then update these risk assessments every 5 years.

The following table shows which private water supplies are regulated and which are exempt. If you are unsure what type of supply serves your property please contact us for advice.

Regulated / exempt private water supplies

Regulated suppliesExempt supplies
Supplies with 20 or more housesOwner occupied domestic houses
Rented propertiesPrivate holiday homes (no commercial lets)
Tied properties 
Hotels, bed and breakfast, caravan, chalets, camping sites and holiday lets 
Food businesses 
Public access buildings like village halls, schools, churches and hospitals 
Other workplaces 

The Council is required to use the approved risk assessment produced by the Drinking Water Quality Regulator (DWQR) to determine any risks to the health of anyone consuming the water as well as how effective are any measures are in place to control those risks.

The Council is also required to give to everyone that uses a Regulated supply a notification that a risk assessment has been done and a summary of what we find. The findings from the risk assessment could be used to produce a water safety water plan for the supply.

The Council can recover reasonably incurred expenses for carrying out risk assessments and reviews. View the Private Water Supply charges (PDF, 93 KB).

The cost of the risk assessment or review can be split between all persons owning the types of properties in the left hand column of the above table.

If you are unsure which type of supply you are served by or to find out if a risk assessment has already been carried out on your supply please contact a Water Officer via our Customer Contact Centre on 01738 476476 for advice.

Last modified on 06 October 2021

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