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Health and Social Care Integration stories

Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership is working with local communities to deliver services in innovative new ways.

Our staff are using their full range of skills and experience, together with the resources of people in local communities to support people to lead active, independent and healthy lives in their own communities.

The latest news, information and videos posted about the Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership can be found on the YourCommunityPK Facebook page and the YourCommunityPK Twitter page.

A Health & Wellbeing Directory with many organisations, services, clubs, groups and projects throughout Perth & Kinross is available in a search engine function on the Your Community PK website.

Here are some great examples of the work being done across Perth and Kinross:

The Golf Memories Project is helping to reduce social isolation for people with dementia, and keeping their minds and bodies active and healthy.

Participatory Budgeting projects are being carried out in Perth & Kinross to put local people in charge of what support services they want to see in their communities. The 'Your Community, Your Budget, Your Choice' project is a great example. A total of 21 new community projects received funding, and another 42 projects received part-funding as a result of the project. Over 1,500 people took part across three community events.

The Community Fund Group in Rannoch & Tummel was formed by the residents to draw up an action plan for the future benefit of their area. The action plan will see community groups working together to deliver a sustainable future for the area, designing new services to support the community.

We want to empower communities to put people at the heart of the services and support they use. We are doing this by assisting projects like the Craigie Tea Dancers. The group helps people to live healthy and independent lives in their own communities. Watch the video below to meet Stella and discover a little about her story. Stella is 85 years old and a member of the Craigie Tea Dancers. If you are interested in finding out more about the Craigie Dancers, please contact Lorna Glen on 

The Making Where We Live Better group came together in 2010 to promote inclusion through raising awareness of issues faced by those with learning disabilities in Perth and Kinross. During their meetings, they discuss issues that affect people with learning disabilities and work together to identify solutions and improve their lives. If you would like further information about the Making Where We Live Better group and their future events, please contact Diana Finnie on or 01738 476165.

The Boxing Project helps people to focus on their health and wellbeing and overcome difficult personal circumstances with a positive attitude. The project works with people who are leading chaotic lifestyles and experiencing mental health issues, alcohol dependency or substance misuse. George is someone who has had his life changed through the project.

The Clicking Needles knitting group does a great job helping to improve wellbeing and reduce social isolation for people living in the rural communities of Eastern Perthshire. It also raises a lot of money for charity...

TullochNET is a community health and wellbeing project which aims to improve the life of the residents of North Perth. They have established a Community Hub in which people can meet, socialise and receive support for any issue they are experiencing.

The Coupar Angus Community Garden is an initiative from Forward Coupar Angus which provides a green space for the community, encouraging a healthy lifestyle and social interaction.

The Royal Voluntary Service focuses on activities for the elderly. The RVS is a charitable organisation and offers services which improves the lives of older people, preventing loneliness by promoting social activities, befriending and transportation services through their volunteers.

In April and May of 2017, Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership linked up with Red Bridge Arts company to deliver the performance "Tales of a Grandson" in local care homes and day care centres. The production is delivered by Scottish actor and writer Andy Cannon, accompanied by composer and musician Wendy Weatherby.

The Go for Gold Challenge is organised by Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Integration in partnership with Perth & Kinross Care Home Activity Network (CHAN), Live Active Leisure, the third sector and local care homes. The event was developed to increase physical activity levels for members of care homes and day centres in a fun and inclusive way, making sure any individual can take part regardless of their abilities and limitations.

The Kinross-shire Volunteer Group helps the residents from Kinross and surrounding areas by offering driving services to those who have difficulties accessing public transport due to ill health, mobility or any other issue. As most of the clients are elderly, the service is also effective on tackling social isolation and the drivers befriend the clients, making them feel listened and cared for.

The Perth Baptist Church helped to reduce social isolation and promote leisure within the elderly community through the innovative Holiday@Home. The project ran a week of activities and trips aimed at older people who may not have the financial or physical ability to go on a holiday.

The world we live in is changing rapidly due to digital developments. Many people may not be making the most of opportunities available online that could help improve their lives. With that in mind, Perth & Kinross Council Housing Services started the Digital Inclusion Project, which aims to help tenants of Perth & Kinross Council to access the many opportunities available online.

Biking is a great option for keeping healthy and fit, besides also enhancing mental well-being. The All Ability Cycling group started with the intention of keeping the sport inclusive for people who have disabilities. The project offers a range of adapted bikes and accessories so people with any physical, learning or sensory difficulties and disabilities can enjoy a cycle ride and get out in the fresh air with friends...

Luncarty Alive is an independent organisation which aims to encourage an active and healthy life for people of all abilities. Everybody is welcome, however the project has the focus on improving health for those who have physical limitations or health conditions through gentle exercise.

The Health and Wellbeing Café helps people with dementia, Parkinson's, MS, brain injuries, or anybody who would like support and their family, caregivers and friends, can be together in a safe and welcoming environment. The café happens every Wednesday afternoon between 2 p.m and 4 p.m at the Salvation Army Café, King Edward Street, Perth.

The Dementia Café is a monthly gathering where people with dementia, their family, caregivers and friends can be together in a safe, bright and welcoming environment, in the company of other caregivers.

Meet Niki. She is a mum of four children who lives in Perth. Niki is also a full-time carer for two of her children and had never received support until two years ago. She did not know she was a carer and had the right to receive a range of support. A new legislation that just came into force on April 1st 2018 reinforces the rights of unpaid carers in Perth and Kinross to receive the support and assistance they need.

Last modified on 10 July 2024

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