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Kinship care

When a child or young person cannot live with their birth parents, the preferred option is for them to live within their wider family and community circle. In its broadest sense this is known as Kinship Care.

Through kinship care, children can experience less disruption in their life, they do better in education, have a stronger sense of identity and more meaningful family time with parents and other family members. 

Children and young people can be placed in kinship arrangements at short notice, and this can be done either because of a family arrangement or through the involvement of social work.  Either way, you will be asked if you are prepared to offer the child or young person a home.  Sometimes these arrangements are short- or longer-term therefore it is important that you consider all options and consider the others who live with you.

Our Kinship Service is managed through our Family Based Care Team.

Types of kinship care placements

Children and young people can live with kinship carers under the following arrangements:

Formal kinship care

Looked After children or young people who have been placed with kinship carers by the local authority and are subject to a legal order which means they must stay there.

Informal kinship care

Children who live with a kinship carer but there is no legal order which says they must stay there; the person who has parental rights and responsibilities has agreed to this through a family arrangement or the Kinship Carer has gained a Kinship Care Order (Residence) under Section 11 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995.


Becoming a formal kinship carer

When children and young people are placed by social work, you will be allocated a support worker from the Family Based Care Team and will receive financial support. There will be social work visits and meetings involving you, regarding the plan for the child you care for. 

Sometimes children and young people are initially placed within foster care arrangements, and you might wish to consider becoming their carer.  In these instances, an assessment will be undertaken and you will be approved through a kinship panel before the child or young person is placed with you.

What is involved in the assessment of formal kinship carers?

When you are caring for looked after children and young people, the local authority has a legal responsibility and duty to assess the suitability of kinship carers. This assessment is ongoing from the point of your initial contact with the professionals and will consider your involvement in the child's life from birth. The kinship assessment can take up to 12 weeks. Each assessment will explore the strengths and vulnerabilities and support needs of the kinship carer/s and family and will then be presented to a kinship panel for a recommendation regarding approval.

  • A kinship worker will be allocated to undertake the assessment and organise a series of meetings with the kinship carers. This will build a profile of the adult and conversations will involve sharing personal information.
  • Building up a clear understanding of the kinship carer/s' role in the child's life and their ability to meet their day-today and longer-term needs if needed.
  • Determining the kinship carer/s personal support network
  • Exploring relationships and lifestyle of people living in the same house as the child.
  • Statutory checks such as health and criminal records.


Informal kinship carers

Carers with the care of a child can also apply directly to the local authority for kinship assistance. The application considers eligibility criteria under Part 13 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, the Kinship Assistance (Scotland) Order 2016 and updated guidance on this (2024).

Kinship care assistance is subject to the following criteria being met and is available to children, and those who care for them in the circumstances detailed below:

  • Where a person is applying for, or considering applying for, a kinship care order in relation to a child under the age of 16 who was previously looked after or is at risk of becoming looked after; or
  • Where a person holds a kinship care order in relation to a child under the age of 16 who was previously looked after or is at risk of becoming Looked After;
  • Where a person is a guardian by virtue of an appointment made under section 7 of the 1995 Act of a child under the age of 16, who was previously looked after, or is at risk of becoming looked after, unless they are also the parent of the child;
  • Where a child is under the age of 16, and subject to a kinship care order, and they were previously looked after or are at risk of becoming Looked After;
  • Where a child is at least 16 years of age, and they were subject to a kinship care order immediately before their 16th birthday, and they were previously Looked After or are at risk of becoming Looked After; or
  • Where a child has a guardian by virtue of an appointment made under section 7 of the 1995 Act, and they were previously Looked After or are at risk of becoming Looked After.

Children who are placed in informal care arrangements should receive all the practical and emotional support of GIRFEC principles. It is the role of our Family Based Care Team to ensure there is no barrier to support.

The kinship assistance application will include a basic disclosure check for all adults in the household over 16 years of age and a self-assessment medical will
also be requested from the applicants. The applicant is required to provide a copy of the Kinship Care Order if this is already granted. The allocated worker will visit to gather background information and establish eligibility.

The application process will determine the nature, level and type of support that can be offered. In accordance with good practice applicant will be notified of the outcome 4 weeks from application.

Kinship financial support

The current kinship weekly care allowances are as follows:

Age bandWeekly allowance
0-4 years£168.31
5-10 years£195.81
11-15 years£203.29
16 years and over£268.41

If you are a kinship carer for a child or young person who is not looked after then you will be able to claim child-related benefits which are then deducted from the above allowance.

The Scottish Child Payment is a new benefit introduced by the Scottish Government to for families in receipt of reserved benefits. The payment will pay £25 per week per child every four weeks.

We will arrange an appointment with our Welfare Rights Team for you to ensure that you are receiving all the support that you entitled to.

Kinship support

Perth and Kinross Council is committed to supporting our kinship carers to ensure that you can support the children and young people you are caring for.  As well as having a dedicated Family Based Care team, our commitment through our Corporate Parenting Plan  means that children and young people in kinship care are given similar priority for all council services to that of children and young people in foster care.  That means priority for support in education, housing and therapeutic services.  

The Kinship Care Team offers support, information and advice to Kinship carers, so they are better equipped to meet the needs of the children in their care. We run a monthly carers group and we are happy to discuss all aspects of being a kinship carer including:

  • The role and identity of a kinship carer
  • Employment and financial concerns
  • Difficult behaviours
  • Housing issues
  • Health concerns and isolation

If you have any questions regarding kinship care please contact the duty worker at  Family Based Care Team (Kinship), Perth and Kinross Council, Almondbank House, Lewis Place, North Muirton, Perth PH1 3BD, or call the FBCT Duty Line on 01738 477806 or email  

Further advice on kinship care

  • The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland have produced a very useful and easy to read up-to-date factsheet on kinship care and benefits/tax credits which you may find useful.
  • Citizens Advice Bureau can offer independent legal and financial advice for kinship carers - see their website for a dedicated page on kinship care in Scotland.
  • Parent Line Scotland - advice for kinship carers is also available via their helpline is also available on 0800 028 2233.

The Kinship Care Advice Service for Scotland (KCASS) provides free, confidential and impartial advice to:

  • kinship families
  • professionals working with kinship families.

To find out more, visit the KCASS website, call their free advice line on 0808 800 0006 (available Monday to Friday, 10am to 2.30pm), or email

The KCASS website provides financial guidance including advice on kinship care allowance and benefits, details of local support groups in your area, and an explanation of the legal terminology around kinship care and what it means to you. You'll also find a range of downloadable factsheets and podcasts to support kinship carers both new and experienced, as well as information about training workshops to support carers parenting children with trauma, life story work, and supporting children with early life trauma at school. Their What Now? guide is essential reading for new kinship carers.

Last modified on 01 August 2024

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