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Removal of Permitted Development Rights by Conditions

If you are planning to extend or alter your home, or build within the garden, you should ensure that you have checked if you need to apply for planning permission before you start the works.

You can check if you need planning permission by using our 'Do I need permission' checklists that can be found on our What needs planning permission? page. These checklists have recently been updated to remind you to check the planning history of your property.

When granting planning permission, there is sometimes a need for us to remove certain or all permitted development rights to enable the permission to be granted, for example, to protect neighbouring amenity. This means that, although the permitted development rights given in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 (as amended) state that some works you may wish to undertake can be carried out without the need for planning permission, as we have removed these rights for your property, and maybe the surrounding properties, planning permission is required. This information should be available in the deed paper work for your property.

Permissions from 2007 onwards can be found Public Access page. You should use the map search function to find your property. Please be aware that the map function on PublicAccess is currently not available when using tablets or mobile phones. For help on how to search refer to our Public Access Guidance (PDF, 1 MB) guidance note. If you think the planning permission was dated before 2007, you can request to view our records at Pullar House. At least 24 hours' notice is required to enable us to make the records available.

If you require us to carry the search out for you, you can request a planning search. Planning searches have a charge of £60.00 (inc VAT). You can request a search by contacting our Customer Service Centre on 01738 475000.

If the works would have been permitted development had the rights not been removed by condition, no fee is required for a planning application. You can check what you need to submit with a planning application on our planning application checklist page.

Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the home owner to check if they require planning permission before undertaking any works. If you undertake any works that do require planning permission without applying then you may be subject to enforcement action.

Last modified on 16 August 2022

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