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Perth Cycle Network

The new Perth Cycle Network masterplan (PDF, 9 MB) is a key component of the Perth City Plan, and builds on the vision of creating a hierarchy of streets, public spaces, walking and cycling routes across the city region. The masterplan outlines a framework for investment in active travel, by identifying eight cycle corridors which will help link the city centre to its surrounding communities and those identified for development to the north and west of Perth.

The purpose of the plan is to provide commuters, residents and visitors with improved accessibility and alternative green  routes into the city, which will help reduce the impact of traffic and pollution, as well as improving the overall economic and environmental health of the region.   

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

As part of the process we have to consult SNH, SEPA and Historic Scotland on whether the plan, programme or strategy is likely to raise issues of significant environmental impact.

We sent our screening report (PDF, 236 KB) to the consultation authorities to determine whether the supplementary guidance is likely to have significant effects on the environment on 19 December 2018.  You can also view the responses from the consultation authorities:

Having consulted the three consultation authorities, and having considered the criteria set out in the Act, the Council considered that the Local Landscape Areas Supplementary Guidance is unlikely to have significant environmental effects and has therefore decided that SEA is not required. You can also view the screening determination (PDF, 184 KB).

Last modified on 15 November 2022

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