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Non-householder development application checklists

Submission checklists for planning applications other than for householder developments.

All plans should be titled, include the site address, have a drawing number and revision number where applicable.

Please ensure that all 'Do Not Scale' disclaimers that may be on your plans or drawings are removed or reworded e.g. 'scale for planning purposes only' or 'do not scale for construction purposes'.  You should be aware that we may need to scale from your drawings if the accuracy of the development is questioned after completion.  We will expect the development to be carried out in accordance with the approved planning drawings.

Due to copyright laws, if the drawings or plans you plan to submit have been drawn by an agent who is not going to act on your behalf as part of the planning application process, you should provide written confirmation from them confirming that you have permission to use the drawings for this application. 

Please note that you may also require listed building consent, conservation area consent, a building warrant and/or vehicular access consent (VA1). Your development may also be subject to developer contributions

Full planning permission

Document or DrawingDescription
Application Form and Land Ownership Certificate

A planning permission application should be completed online on the e-planning website.

You should ensure that if you do not solely own any of the land that forms part of the application site you declare the name and address of all interested parties and serve them with a land owner notification. 


Varies dependent on the proposal

The current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website

Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  •  At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The red site boundary should include all the proposed works, include the access as far as it junction with the public road (this includes existing or proposed access roads) and be one continuous site
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or dwellings/buildings
  • Surrounding buildings accurately shown and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Site Plans/ Landscaping Plans

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)


At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show; 

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  •  A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
  • All buildings, roads and footpaths on land adjoining the site including the access arrangements
  • Any buildings to be altered clearly identified
  • The extent and materials of any existing and proposed hard surfacing
  • All existing and proposed access arrangements and car parking. If works are required to the public pavement then this should be detailed and included within the red site boundaries. 
  •  All existing and proposed landscaping and/or open space within the site. This should clearly identify planting layout, species and separation distances.
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location of all proposed drainage and private water supplies clearly shown
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site. Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan


(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. These must show;

  •  An accurate and appropriate scale bar    
  • All proposed down takings coloured red on the existing elevations  
  • All sides of the development including any blank elevations  
  • Each elevation's orientations (North/East/South/West) based on the direction that the elevation is facing  
  • Material finishes

Floor Plans 

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. These must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar  
  • The layout and use of all rooms (e.g. room names)

Roof Plans 

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. These must show;

  • The shape of the roof, location of roof windows, dormers, vents or flues
  • Material finishes

Site Sections and Site Levels

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. You must provide;

  • Site levels (related to a fixed datum point out with site e.g. a road) which should be shown on a plan
  • Cross sections which should be taken across the full extent of the site and the location of the cross section should be identified on the site plans
  • Plans with an accurate and appropriate scale bar
Design And Access Statements

A design and access statement must accompany your application if the site is located within; 

  • A world heritage site;
  • A conservation area;
  •  A historic garden or designed landscape;
  • A national scenic area;
  • The site of a scheduled monument;
  • The curtilage of a category A listed building

In certain circumstances a Design Statement is not required where is falls within one of the following categories:

  • Where the development requires the alteration or extension of an existing building
  •  Householder development
  • Engineering or mining operations
  • Change of use of land or building;
  • An application for planning permission made under section 42 of the Act, (for development of land without complying with conditions subject to which a previous planning permission was granted.)
Technical specificationIf your proposal includes the installation of biomass boilers, air conditioning units, ventilation systems, air source heat pumps, wood stoves or other plant and machinery. 


Change of use (short term let)

Document or DrawingDescription
Application Form and Land Ownership Certificate

A planning permission application should be completed online on the e-planning website.

You should ensure that, if you (the applicant) do not solely own any of the land that forms part of the application site, you declare the name and address of all interested parties and serve them with a land owner notification. 


As your application is for the change of use of a building to a use as a short term let unit, please refer to Table 1, Category 21 of the Fees Charter.  The fee is based on the gross floor area of the affected building. This is calculated by measuring the footprint of the building including the outside wall or the mid-line of a party wall, multiplied by the floors of the building.

If your application is for the change of use of part of a building, you will need to submit floorplans for the affected area (including different levels where appropriate). If your application is for the change of use of a whole building, you will need to submit floorplans of the whole building (including different levels where appropriate) or an accurate block plan.  

Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  •  At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The site boundary should be around the land and/or building that you are applying for, including any garden ground and/or parking areas. Also include the access as far as the public road and be surrounded by one continuous red line
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant can be outlined in blue, for example, agricultural land or other dwellings/buildings if these will not be used by paying guests
  • Surrounding buildings accurately shown and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan
Site Plan

At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  •  A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to match that of the location plan submitted.
  • All buildings, roads and footpaths in the site and on land adjoining the site including the access arrangements
  • All existing and proposed access arrangements and car parking
  • All existing landscaping and/or open space within the site
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan
Floor Plans

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. These must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale at
  • The layout and use of the floor area (e.g. room names)


Change of use (land or buildings)

Document or DrawingDescription
Application Form and Land Ownership Certificate

A planning permission application should be completed online on the e-planning website.

You should ensure that, if you (the applicant) do not solely own any of the land that forms part of the application site, you declare the name and address of all interested parties and serve them with a land owner notification. 


If your application is for a change of use to dwellinghouses or flats, then refer to Table 1, Category 20 of our Fees Charter.

If your application is for the change of use of a building to a use other than as a dwellinghouse or flat, please refer to Table 1, Category 21 of the Fees Charter.

If your application is for the change of use of part of a building, you will need to submit floorplans for the affected area (including different levels where appropriate).

If your application is for the change of use of a whole building, you will need to submit floorplans of the whole building (including different levels where appropriate) or an accurate block plan.  Please note if floor plans are not provided, we will calculate the fee based on the gross floor area of the block plan submitted. The gross floor area is calculated by measuring the footprint of the building including the outside wall or the mid-line of a party wall, multiplied by the floors of the building.

If your application is for the change of use of land, the fee is worked out by measuring the extent of the application site area and calculated in accordance with Table 1, Category 22 of the Fees Charter.

Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  • At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The site boundary should be around the land and/or building that you are applying for, include the access as far as it junction with the public road (this includes existing or proposed access roads) and be one continuous site
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or other dwellings/buildings
  • All surrounding buildings shown accurately and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan
Site Plan

At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show; 

An accurate and appropriate scale bar

  • A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
  • All buildings, roads and footpaths in the site and on land adjoining the site including the access arrangements
  • The extent and materials of any existing and proposed hard surfacing
  • All existing and proposed access arrangements and car parking. If works are required to the public pavement then this should be detailed and included within the red site boundaries
  • All existing and proposed landscaping and/or open space within the site. This should clearly identify planting layout, species and separation distances
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location of all proposed drainage and private water supplies clearly shown
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site. Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Floor Plans

(proposed version should be submitted if an existing building is being altered)

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. These must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • The layout and use of the floor area (e.g. room names)
Details of proposed use

If you are proposing to change the use of land or a building for commercial use such as a hot food take away, retail shops, restaurants etc., a written statement should be submitted which clearly states how you intend to use the premises. This should include;

  • Opening hours 
  • Delivery arrangements
  • Waste arrangements
  • Types of food to be sold and/or prepared on site


Planning permission in principle

Document or DrawingDescription
Application Form and Land Ownership Certificate

A planning permission application should be completed online on the e-planning website.

You should ensure that if you do not solely own any of the land that forms part of the application site you declare the name and address of all interested parties and serve them with a land owner notification. 


Varies dependent on the proposal

The current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website

Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  •  At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The red site boundary should include all the proposed works, include the access as far as it junction with the public road (this includes existing or proposed access roads) and be one continuous site
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or dwellings/buildings
  • Surrounding buildings accurately shown and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Site Plan


At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show; 

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
Indicative plansProviding indicative layout and elevational plans may assist the planning officer in the consideration of your application. You may also wish to provide information on landscaping, car parking, levels etc.
Development in conservation areasLocal Development Plan 2 - Policy 28A states that "Applications for Planning Permission in Principle in Conservation Areas will not be considered acceptable without detailed plans, including elevations, which show the development in its setting." You may wish to consider submitting a full, detailed planning application in these cases.


Approval of matters specified in conditions

Document or DrawingDescription
Application Form and Land Ownership Certificate

A planning permission application should be completed online on the e-planning website.

You should ensure that if you do not solely own any of the land that forms part of the application site you declare the name and address of all interested parties and serve them with a land owner notification. 


Varies dependent on the proposal

The current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website

Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  •  At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The red site boundary should include all the proposed works, include the access as far as it junction with the public road (this includes existing or proposed access roads) and be one continuous site
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or dwellings/buildings
  • Surrounding buildings accurately shown and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Site Plans/ Landscaping Plans

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)


At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show; 

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  •  A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
  • All buildings, roads and footpaths on land adjoining the site including the access arrangements
  • Any buildings to be altered clearly identified
  • The extent and materials of any existing and proposed hard surfacing
  • All existing and proposed access arrangements and car parking. If works are required to the public pavement then this should be detailed and included within the red site boundaries
  •  All existing and proposed landscaping and/or open space within the site. This should clearly identify planting layout, species and separation distances
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location of all proposed drainage and private water supplies clearly shown
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site. Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan


(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. These must show;

  •  An accurate and appropriate scale bar    
  • All proposed down takings coloured red on the existing elevations  
  • All sides of the development including any blank elevations  
  • Each elevation's orientations (North/East/South/West) based on the direction that the elevation is facing  
  • Material finishes

Floor Plans 

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. These must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar  
  • The layout and use of all rooms (e.g. room names)

Roof Plans 

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. These must show;

  • The shape of the roof, location of roof windows, dormers, vents or flues
  • Material finishes

Site Sections and Site Levels

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. You must provide;

  • Site levels (related to a fixed datum point out with site e.g. a road) which should be shown on a plan
  • Cross sections which should be taken across the full extent of the site and the location of the cross section should be identified on the site plans
  • Plans with an accurate and appropriate scale bar
Design And Access Statements

A design and access statement must accompany your application if the site is located within; 

  • A world heritage site;
  • A conservation area;
  •  A historic garden or designed landscape;
  • A national scenic area;
  • The site of a scheduled monument;
  • The curtilage of a category A listed building

In certain circumstances a Design Statement is not required where is falls within one of the following categories:

  • Where the development requires the alteration or extension of an existing building
  • Householder development
  • Engineering or mining operations
  • Change of use of land or building;
  • An application for planning permission made under section 42 of the Act, (for development of land without complying with conditions subject to which a previous planning permission was granted.)
Technical specificationIf your proposal includes the installation of biomass boilers, air conditioning units, ventilation systems, air source heat pumps, wood stoves or other plant and machinery. 


Renewals and section 42 applications (renewals and variation of removal of conditions in planning permission only)

Document or DrawingDescription
Covering letter and Land Ownership Certificate

A covering letter should be provided which details the contact details of both the applicant and agent, the address of the site and the reference number of the original application. If you are submitting an application via the e-planning website you should complete the application form instead. In all cases, a land ownership certificate should be submitted.

These can be found online on the e-planning website. You should ensure that if you do not solely own any of the land that forms part of the application site you declare the name and address of all interested parties and serve them with a land owner notification. 


The fee should be calculated under the relevant category of development associated with the original planning application. The current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website.



Document or DrawingDescription
Application Form and Land Ownership Certificate

A planning permission application should be completed online on the e-planning website.

Notice of the proposed development should be given to any person (other than the applicant) who is an owner or agricultural tenant of the land forming any part of the site, including the access.  Land Ownership Certificates B or C will be relevant. Please refer to e-planning guidance for clarification.


The fee required is based on Table 1, Category 13 of the current Planning Fee Charter for applications can be found on our website. (Applications relating to formation of access tracks may require fees to be calculated under Table 1, Category 17.)

Rural Location PlanIf the site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red including any new proposed access, or an access that requires upgraded, as far as its junction with the public road.  Existing access routes can be shown in brown, or annotated.
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or dwellings/buildings
  • Surrounding buildings accurately shown and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Site Plan

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show; 

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
  •  The proposed mast and associated works clearly identified
  • The extent and materials of any hard surfacing, existing and proposed (e.g. gravel, slabs, tarmac)
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site. Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan
  • The location of all proposed drainage such as culverts
  •  Consideration should be given to the potential need for mitigation, or micro-siting, when drawing the red site boundary.


(existing and proposed versions must be submitted, drawings must be uploaded seperately as opposed to batches of plans)

  • Four elevations must be provided at a scale of 1:50/1:100. These must show;
  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • The proposed mast and structures in relation to what is already there and show the whole site elevation.  
  • The elevation's orientations (North/East/South/West) based on the direction that the elevation is facing must be included.  
  • Note: It would be beneficial if the proposed colour/finish of the mast, associated equipment and enclosures could be annotated on the elevations.



Last modified on 30 July 2024

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