The Council recognises that almost everyone who contacts it behaves reasonably. However, very occasionally certain actions by people using our services can mean that it is difficult for us to deal with their enquiry or concern.
The Managing Unreasonable Demands Policy (PDF, 34 KB) is used to take appropriate steps when necessary to ensure that the Council can use its limited resources fairly.
Examples of behaviour which the Council considers make unreasonable demands include:
- Continually raising the same issue without providing new evidence
- Making unsubstantiated allegations about Council employees
- Making contact in a way which has the effect of harassing employees, such as making multiple phone calls or sending multiple emails in a short period of time
- Refusing to accept Council policies and procedures
Whenever possible, a warning will be given that the Council may take action under this policy, but in some cases this is not possible.
Individuals always have the right to appeal against restrictions and to let the Council know if they think that they have been discriminated against because of a characteristic which is protected under the Equality Act 2010. They can still make payments, report housing repairs, report child or adult protection concerns and access other statutory services.
This policy is not used when a member of the public is violent or aggressive towards employees; separate guidance is issued to Council staff about how to deal with these circumstances.
If you have any questions about this policy please contact the Council's Corporate Complaints team at or 01738 477933.