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Requests for home extensions

Perth & Kinross Council Housing Service understands that due to changes in circumstances, a tenant's current home may no longer be suitable for their needs.

Where such situations arise a housing options interview will be arranged with a Housing Officer to consider and discuss all the housing options available with the Council, other social housing providers and the private sector - within a tenant's preferred areas of choice.

Where no suitable accommodation is identified consideration can be given to extending a tenant's existing home, provided it is suitable to do so and where all of the following criteria is met:

  • There is a medical need for one or more permanent members of the household
  • The medical need has been confirmed via the appropriate professional
  • An Occupational Therapist assessment has been undertaken.

Extensions will not be considered solely based on overcrowding unless there are exceptional circumstances.

If you are struggling in your current home due to a change in your household circumstances, contact your Locality Housing Team on 01738 476000 (option 2) for further advice and assistance.

Last modified on 26 August 2022

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