You may want to ensure you start thinking about this prior to your child turning 16. There are numerous areas and pathways which can support you and your young person/s.
Links with appropriate colleges: Perth, Forth Valley, Fife and Dundee & Angus. These links can start from as early as 14 to ensure you gain the appropriate information and support.
- Home - Perth College UHI
- Dundee & Angus College | Choose college, choose D&A! (
- Home | Forth Valley College
- Fife College, Fife, Education, Courses, learning
Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) the careers service in Perth and Kinross will work with your young person at their own pace. The careers adviser will:
- Offer a person centered, face to face guidance appointment
- Help your young person explore their career goals
- Support your young person to identify all options available to them
- Help your person create a great CV by identifying their strengths
Contacts; Sade Bankole (01738 317389) or Liz O'Carroll (01738 317379)
Perth Skills Development Scotland Centre, South Street, Perth