Financial Strategy 2022
Financial Strategy - Principles
A set of principles have been developed which will assist the Council in bringing forward a Medium-Term Financial Plan and Revenue Budget that is sustainable over the longer term.
Meaningful communication and engagement will be key to the successful implementation of this Strategy. The Perth & Kinross Offer represents the Council's commitment to engage with our communities and partners in shaping service delivery and addressing need at a local level. This engagement with our communities will be central in framing how best to allocate the limited resources available in a period of increasing financial challenge.
Maintaining effective dialogue with our staff, communities, public, private and third sector partners will help strengthen the understanding of what the Council may or may not be able to continue to deliver and allow us to draw on local knowledge and experience in shaping future service delivery.
In line with the Council's agreed strategic priorities and objectives, we will, as far as possible:
- direct resources to where they are most needed,
- protect the most vulnerable in our community
- prioritise the delivery of services which we must provide by law
- deliver services in the most efficient, and cost-effective manner
- prioritise upfront investment in prevention and early intervention
- prioritise transformation investment on cost mitigation activities
- not fund recurring activity from General Fund Reserves
- contain spending within approved budgets
- minimise unnecessary expenditure and maximise income
- take a planned and sustainable approach to Capital investment
- reflect the full cost of Capital investment in future budgets
- over plan for the delivery of savings