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Consultation Draft Mobility Strategy

At the next meeting of the Climate Change and Sustainability Committee, Elected Members will be asked to approve the Consultation Draft Mobility Strategy and associated Draft Action Plan.

The Mobility Strategy is a local transport strategy which will set out Perth and Kinross Council's vision for managing and developing the transport and active travel network over the next 15 years. It considers all modes of transport for the movement of people and goods across Perth and Kinross's rural and urban settings.

If approved by Committee, the Draft Strategy and Action Plan will undergo a period of public consultation using the Council's Consultation Hub platform which will allow members of the public the opportunity to share their views with the Council.

Councillor Richard Watters, Convener of the Climate Change and Sustainability Committee, said: "This Strategy will consider the impact on transport networks and people's travel patterns, emerging technologies, digital services, housing, inclusion, poverty, health, climate adaptation, economic growth, air quality and place making.

"The Consultation Draft of the Mobility Strategy is an incredibly important step in the process as we seek to transform how people move around Perth and Kinross in the future. The decisions made at the end of this process will change the area as whole and this is why it is very important that our residents take the time to tell us about how the currently move and what their hopes and ambitions are for their community in relation to transport and active travel."

Last modified on 25 April 2024

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