Ambitions to grow circular economy in Perth and Kinross
Ambitions for Perth and Kinross to become a leader in developing the circular economy were discussed in Perth last week.
A Circular Economy development model was proposed for PKC by the Resource Management Association Scotland (RMAS). It seeks to establish how circular economy projects in Perth and Kinross can be accelerated, and how businesses and the public sector can work together on delivering new circular economy projects.
The event at the Dewar's Centre on June 14 was Chaired by Nicki Souter of the RMAS. Perth and Kinross, enjoys a strategic geographic location at the heart of Scotland that places it in an advantageous logistical position for advanced circular economy projects.
Advanced circular economy projects will support the transition to a more regenerative local economy in Perth and Kinross, create employment, conserve natural resources and reduce harm to the environment by cutting carbon emissions.
The proposals will seek to develop projects at the Binn Eco Park using the benefits of its private wire renewable energy grid (heat and power) as well as seeking to locate projects at the Perth West Eco Innovation Park.
Speakers at Friday's event included Derek Stewart, director of the Advanced Plant Growth Centre at the James Hutton Institute in Invergowrie, David McPhee, Deputy Director Producer Responsibility at the Scottish Government, Serge Merone, Perth and Kinross Council's Climate Change and Smart Investment Manager and John Ferguson, Head of Strategy at Binn Group (and RMAS).
Perth and Kinross Council's Serge Merone said: "Perth and Kinross has the ideal geographic location to benefit from the growth of the circular economy, given our position at the heart of Scotland.''
"These projects will be a major driver of inward investment and we want to make sure we can support and speed up the delivery of projects so they benefit the economy, the environment and the people of Perth and Kinross."
John Ferguson added: "We aim to speed up the delivery of the advanced circular economy facilities, that are needed to support our transition to a low carbon regenerative local and regional economy.
"We are therefore developing a cross-sectoral delivery partnership that will help us achieve these aims, and which can be used as a template for other local authorities and regions to follow."