Each year on 1 October, people across the world mark United Nations International Day of Older People to raise awareness of opportunities and challenges faced by ageing populations, and to mobilise the wider community to address difficulties faced by older people.
"Older people play an integral part in strengthening our communities and neighbourhoods, as workers, carers, volunteers, activists and community connectors. But these vital contributions are often overlooked or limited by ageism and other societal and physical barriers.
"As well as helping others, volunteering has been shown to improve our social connections, enhance our sense of purpose and self-esteem. Paid work can have a positive impact on wellbeing as well as finances. Despite this, many older people find themselves encountering barriers to getting involved in all the ways they would like to.
"We all have a part to play in making our communities and neighbourhoods better places to age, and in celebrating and enabling the contributions of older people.
On this International Day of Older People, we are celebrating older people and the vital part they play, and have the potential to play, in making our community a better place to be." Centre for Ageing Better.
This year there will be numerous events held across Perth and Kinross this year to mark this occasion, from Monday 30 September and throughout the week.
To mark the internationally recognised day, on Tuesday 1 October we will be hosting 2 sessions at the Civic Hall, 2 High St, PH1 5PH.
Our first session will begin at 10.00am and last until 12.00pm where there will be an introduction from Zoe Robertson, Head of Integrated Health and Care for Older People, followed by presentations from athlete Phyllis Hands, author Alan Stewart and the Good for You Club.
Phyllis Hands is an athlete and a member of the Motherwell athletics club. She is a W65 British champion. In athletics, "W65" refers to the women's age category for athletes who are 65 to 69 years old. This classification is used in masters athletics, which is a division of track and field for older athletes. She is currently in training for W70 next year, which is the women's age category for athletes who are 70 to 74 years old. She is also on one of the athletes featured in the exhibition that will be displayed on the day, which you can find out more about below.
Alan Stewart is a retired police inspector who, after 6 hours' retirement in 1997, went on to be the force wildlife crime officer in a civilian capacity, the first full-time post in Scotland. His interest in wildlife crime stemmed from dealing with salmon and deer poaching cases early in his career,and from an interest in farming, shooting, fishing and the countryside in general. Retiring from this role in 2011, he continued wildlife crime-related work as an intelligence officer with the UK National Wildlife Crime Unit, finally retiring in 2015. Alan was presented with several prestigious awards during his policing career, including in 2001 the MBE for services to policing wildlife crime and is the author of four books on that subject. He lives with his wife, dog, ducks and hens on the edge of a Perthshire village.
The Good For You Club is a Social Enterprise community website and app designed for women across the entire county. It's a place where women can initiate connections online, within a compassionate and understanding community. Together with their new pals, they can embark on positive life changes, whether it's finding an exercise routine that suits their needs or nurturing social connections. They understand that taking that first step can be daunting, especially for women who may have lost confidence, feel isolated, or face challenges like anxiety, depression, or post-Covid adjustment. Good For You Club provides a safe and supportive platform where women can find like-minded individuals and relevant activities tailored to a mature audience. You can find out more on their website Women's social & activity club in Perth & Kinross, Perthshire. Connect online. | Good For You Club or you can come along and speak to them at the event
If you would like to attend, please reserve your space here: International Day of Older People Tickets, Tue 1 Oct 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite or if you are unable to get on to Eventbrite you can contact Agefriendly@pkc.gov.uk or 07789 728061.
Our second session will begin after the presentations at 12.00pm and will last until 2.00pm. This will be an informal drop-in session providing you with the chance to wander around the hall and take a look at the multiple stalls around the room.
These stalls include:
- Perth College UHI - hand massages and nail painting
- Health checks
- Wellbeing Team
- Live Active Leisure
- Community Engagement Team
- Volunteering (HSCP)
- Good for You club
- Culture PK
- Trading Standards
- Generations Working Together
- Fire Service
- Light refreshments
We are delighted that throughout the day there will be an exhibition with the kind support of Falkirk Council and Artlink Central, presenting the new photography exhibition, "Growing Old Competitively". The 12 images depict athletes, aged 60-90+, from Scotland and around the world who are competing, winning medals, and breaking records. The photographer, Alex Rotas, hopes the exhibition can help challenge misconceptions about what "growing older" means and encourage fresh approaches on how people can stay fit, healthy, engaged and happy as they age.
You can visit her website here: Alex Rotas Photography - Promoting active ageing
If you have any questions about our stalls at the second session or any general inquiries you can contact Agefriendly@pkc.gov.uk or call us on 07789 728061.
You can find out more about or programme of events below:
Monday 30 September
Alyth Senior Citizens Lunch and Socialising Club and Alyth Over 50's Club, Alyth, 12.30pm until 3.00pm.
In Alyth we are going to celebrate the International Older Persons Day with a joint event by the Lunch Club and the Over 50's. To celebrate we are to hold a buffet lunch: Monday 30th September in the Airlie Street Hall. 12.30 to 3pm. The theme of the event will be a look back across the years in Alyth & a 40's 50's 60's and 70's Disco. Don't worry dancing is not mandatory and the dress code is optional, come as you are, or if you would like to wear an outfit or a hat from a previous period, we would be delighted to see it. We in Alyth wish to pay tribute to older persons and the wisdom that comes with a lifetime of experience. Come along and help us celebrate the International Day of the Older Persons. We have a few surprises along the way.
Dunkeld, Birnam and District Community Development Trust, Mid-Week Memories
Home | Dunkeld Birnam And D (dbdtrust.org)
Knit and Natter for everyone who likes knitting, crochet or sewing - Invergowrie Parish Church Hall - 7.00pm to 9.00pm
For more information you can contact Sheila Mackay on 07799 534 444.
Tuesday 1 October
Main event - Civic Hall: First session 10.00am to 12.00pm, second session 12.00pm to 2.00pm
First session will begin at 10.00am and last until 12.00pm where there will be an introduction from Zoe Robertson, Head of Integrated Health and Care for Older People, followed by presentations from athlete Phyllis Hands, author Allan Stewart and the Good for You Club.
International Day of Older People Tickets, Tue 1 Oct 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
The second session will begin at 12.00am and last until 2.00pm - drop-in, informal session with interactive stalls including:
- Perth college - hand massages and nail painting
- Health checks
- Wellbeing Team
- Live Active Leisure
- Community Engagement Team
- Volunteering (HSCP)
- Good for You club
- Culture PK
- Trading Standards
- Generations Working Together
- Fire Service
- Light refreshments
To book a space contact: Agefriendly@pkc.gov.uk or 07789 728061 by the 1 of October.
Oakbank Care Home Celebration from 2pm
Feel free to come along to Oakbank care Home, Countess Gardens, Crieff, PH7 3DP, to join us for a get together, listen to music and have a blether in celebration of International Older People's Day 2024.
If you require further information please get in touch with Julie Davis, activity@oakbankcare.co.uk or 01764 460 072.
St Fillans/ Comrie: Nature Walk, from 10.00am
We will take a leisurely walk around the village of St Fillans taking in the sights and sounds of nature.
To find out more you can contact Andrea Hudspeth (Aquila Wildlife & Nature CIC) at andrea@aquila-cic.org.
You can also visit their web page: Aquila Ecology | Nature Walk along Loch Earn Railway Path - St Fillans to Comrie (aquila-cic.org)
Birks Cinema Aberfeldy: Younger and Edie screenings.
The Birks cinema in Aberfeldy will be showing screenings of two very special films, Younger and Edie, both showcasing the wonders of life as an older person. Younger follows a group of female athletes in their 60s, 70s and 80s over the course of a year as they prepare to compete in masters competitions. Edie follows an 83 year old woman seeking to fulfil a decades-old dream, and escaping to Scotland.
Younger screenings: The Birks Cinema - Aberfeldy - Younger Screenings
Edie Screenings: The Birks Cinema - Aberfeldy - Edie Screenings
Wednesday 2 October
Richmond House Care Home, Crieff - Friendship Day 2.00pm
We are inviting our Local Rural Group and Our Friendship Group to join our residents for a Quiz, tour of the Care Home and Coffee.
To find out more you can contact Suzie Kelly or Karen Hapka on 01764653934.
Dementia Cafe, The North Church High Street, Perth - Awareness Day 10:00am to 12.30pm
The Dementia Cafe, a monthly event organised by Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership, provides a safe, welcoming environment for people with dementia, their family, carers and friends can come together with other caregivers to spend quality time together, and access information on support available in the community.
At the next event, a range of services and organisations that can assist people with dementia and their carers will be represented, including Alzheimers Scotland, PKAVS Carers Support, Citizens Advice Bureau, the Community Mental Health Team, Telecare Services, Trading Standards, Safer Community Warden, Headway Langs Foods, SCARF, Macnabs Solicitors, Scottish Fire & Rescue, PKC-Financial Team, Housing.
Thursday 3 October
Meditation Session, VisionPK - George Street, 11:30am - 12:15pm
Meditation is a way to calm the mind and body. It requires that you sit or lie down, relax and pay little attention to thoughts as they drift in an out of your mind.
When you meditate, in general, the breath slows down, heart rate slows, blood pressure decreases, stress decreases, digestive function improves and the sense of tension in the body decreases.
Come along for an introductory session of guided meditation on the 3rd of October at the premises of Vision PK, 17-19 George Street, Perth, PH1 5JY.
Friday 4 October
Afternoon Tea with Games - Fearnan Village Hall
Indoor Curling, Table Tennis and Quoits followed by Afternoon Tea with Delicious Home Bakes in relaxed sociable company.
Perth Film Society 25th Anniversary, Friday 4 October to Sunday 6 October.
Perth Film Society have developed a programme of screenings over the weekend from Friday 4 October to Sunday 6 of Curated films include titles to appeal to all ages, some of which include follow-up Q&A sessions with people involved in the making of the films. For full details of films, times, and booking details, for more information as well as their full programme of events you can visit the Perth Film Society Facebook Page.
Saturday 5 October
Monthly coffee morning - Invergowrie Parish Church Hall - 10.00am to 11.30am
For more information you can contact Sheila Mackay on 07799 534 444.
There will also be Monthly Supper Club , Invergowrie Parish church hall the week after on the 13th of October 2024 at 5pm. Must be booked by Friday before and everyone is welcome. Suggested donation of £3. Further details Mrs Sheila Mackay , 07799 534 444.
Dunkeld and Birnam Community Fayre, 11.00am until 2.00pm
Join us to celebrate Silver Sunday and International Day of Older Persons (IDOP). As part of the weeklong celebrations around Silver Sunday and IDOP 2024 Dunkeld, Birnam & District Community Development Trust are organising a Community Fayre to celebrate the wide range of activities available within our local area. Many of the groups and organisations who provide the wide range of activities on offer are run by volunteers who need additional help to ensure they can continue to operate. We hope that the Community Fayre will provide our local societies and groups an opportunity to promote the worthwhile work they do, network with others and (hopefully) recruit more volunteers.
To bring people in we would really appreciate it if you could think about an activity or game that you could organise as part of the event. It only needs to be a small something, just something to add a little fun to the day!
The Fayre will run from 11am to 2pm at Birnam Arts in the John Kinnaird Hall. (Set up from 10am onwards).
To book a stall please fill in the form attached below and return it to Beth Taylor in person or via email at dbdcdt@gmail.com.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or need any further information.
Perth Film Society 25th Anniversary, Friday 4 October to Sunday 6 October.
Perth Film Society have developed a programme of screenings over the weekend from Friday 4 October to Sunday 6 of Curated films include titles to appeal to all ages, some of which include follow-up Q&A sessions with people involved in the making of the films. For full details of films, times, and booking details, for more information as well as their full programme of events you can visit their Facebook Page, Perth Film Society Facebook Page.
Sunday 6 October
Silver Sunday in Stanley Village Hall, 2.00pm - 4.00pm.
West Stormont Woodland Group are hosting a fun and free social event for anyone over 50 (or so!) rounding off a week of events across Perth and Kinross celebrating International Day of Older People.
Come and meet the WSWG team over tea and cake.
Find out about the wildlife, walking routes, history and heritage of Taymount and Five Mile Woods and the plans we have to bring them into community ownership so they remain a thriving, natural resource for us all in the future.
Emailing us will help us with numbers contact@weststormontwoodlandgroup.scot but please just come along on the day anyway. www.weststormontwoodlandgroup.scot
Perth Film Society 25th Anniversary, Friday 4 October to Sunday 6 October.
Perth Film Society have developed a programme of screenings over the weekend from Friday 4 October to Sunday 6 of Curated films include titles to appeal to all ages, some of which include follow-up Q&A sessions with people involved in the making of the films. For full details of films, times, and booking details, for more information as well as their full programme of events you can visit their Facebook Page, Perth Film Society Facebook Page.