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Council sets out plans to raise pupil attainment

Perth and Kinross Council has set out its plans to raise attainment in its schools.

The Council's Learning and Families Committee was updated on the Raising Attainment Strategy for 2024-2027 when it met on Wednesday (Oct 23).

This strategy builds upon the successes of the previous strategy from 2020-2023 and focuses on four main priorities:

  • Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.
  • Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged.
  • Improvement in health and wellbeing of children and young people.
  • Enhancement of employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations.

The strategy employs a range of measures and highlights several key achievements from 2023/24.

These include 333 more A-C passes being achieved by Perth and Kinross pupils at National 5. The pass rate for National 5s in Perth and Kinross is also higher than both the Scottish average and comparator local authorities.

Councillors also heard how the poverty-related attainment gap for primary pupils in P1, P4 and P7 has improved by 1% for reading and writing; grown by 1% in listening and talking and remained at the same level for numeracy, compared to last year`s figures.

Councillors also heard how significant strides have been made in supporting children and young people affected by poverty and those who are care-experienced.

The Scottish Attainment Challenge Funding Update 2024 highlights targeted improvement activities in literacy, numeracy, and health and wellbeing, aimed at closing the poverty-related attainment gap.

The report outlines the measures implemented through Strategic Equity Funding (SEF), Pupil Equity Funding (PEF), and Care Experienced Children and Young People's Funding (CECYPF).

Learning and Families Convener Councillor John Rebbeck said: "We want every child and young person in Perth and Kinross to have the best start in life, which is why closing the attainment gap is a priority.

"There have been significant successes made in Perth and Kinross to closing the attainment gap and it is important we recognise that good work.

"But we will continue to strive to close the gap further and use Pupil Equity Funding, and other sources of funding, appropriately to make this happen."

Last modified on 24 December 2024

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