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Community Learning and Development - A year of Community Learning and Development 2023 to 2024

A year of Community Learning and Development 2023 to 2024 - Strengthening our communities

The (Stronger Communities) Network is a fantastic resource in the area; this is so beneficial to everyone who comes along to find out what is happening, sharing information and resources and being able to find out information such as funding and new developments is so important and encourages us to work together.

What do we do to support communities to become stronger and more empowered?

Our work involves developing, supporting and strengthening new and existing community organisations. Over the past year we have supported 103 community organisations. We do this through our funding programmes; through helping groups to develop appropriate constitutions and policies; helping and advising groups who are interested in community ownership of buildings; making connections between groups so that they can support each other through networks and partnerships both informal and formal. 31 community organisations enquired about Community Asset Transfer this year and were given information and advice to explore the process and their options. This resulted in 12 formal Expressions of Interest being submitted for Community Asset Transfer.

Many of the community organisations we support are run by volunteers giving up their time to help their community, from community gardens to community cafes and much more. Communities are made stronger by the commitment of volunteers who in turn are becoming more knowledgeable and skilled in their roles, serving on committees and helping with a vast range of community activities. The CLD Team worked closely with the Third Sector Interface (TSI) to develop a new website for volunteering: Volunteering Made Easy | Be the Change. This was launched at an event to thank volunteers who had supported the Warm Welcome venues across Perth and Kinross over the winter months. 35 volunteers came along to represent their organisations and receive certificates from the Provost.

The CLD Team work closely with our colleagues in the HSCP Community Engagement Team to support and organise 7 Stronger Communities Networks across Perth and Kinross. The networks bring together Community organisations, public sector services and community activists who meet on a regular basis to share information, ideas and find opportunities for collaboration.

CLD support plays a pivotal role in enhancing local democracy through initiatives like Local Action Partnerships, Community Councils, and Local Area Committees. These entities are instrumental in fostering community engagement and participation in local governance. Over the past year we have supported 45 Community Councils and 7 Local Action Partnerships.

Case studies

Switching on the Christmas lights at Tulloch NET

Tulloch NET are the local community group/organisation within Tulloch, Perth. As a Community Learning Assistant, I have been engaging with the group for a number of months now. One of the most recent engagements highlighted a need through conversation and dialogue with community members and the group itself. The need highlighted was to have community events throughout the year. When asked what sort of event and why, the residents all answered with a Christmas event where the community comes together and enjoy an evening of Christmas carol singing and hot drinks, and the lighting of a Christmas tree.

Using my contacts and working collaboratively with Tulloch NET, Community Learning and Development (CLD) Team, and the Perth City Local Action Partnership (PCLAP) the project qualified for funding. I was able to co-ordinate this through the CLD Team and PCLAP. Once the group secured funding it was now a vision that could become a reality. Greenspace offered their support with advice on where and how to site a tree on the Tulloch Green. A local gardener was contacted to not only erect the tree but source one too. Local community members donated lights and time to help decorate the tree. Tulloch NET collaborated with Tulloch Primary School and encouraged the children to take part in singing and dancing on the night; this was agreed by the school. The group also sourced pizza from the local takeaway in Tulloch, providing people with a hot slice of pizza to enjoy.

The funds received from PCLAP were put to good use. Aside from the gardener and tree, the group were also able to buy in provisions to provide hot refreshments on the night and were able to offer each child a selection box.

The night was a very wet one with torrential rain at some point. This did not dampen the spirits of this community nor the primary children who gave it their all in singing and dancing. There was around 100 people in attendance along with local Councillors John Rebbeck and Brian Leishman whom both expressed their gratitude to the group. Having funds to support and enable groups like this to offer an event that brings a community together is important. It helps strengthen relationships and brings people together to ensure that everyone is included.

This event was enjoyed by all and was a real testament to the Tulloch community and Tulloch NET. Enabling a community to voice their opinion, express their needs and be able to come together and work as a team to address these needs and feel empowered to provide something positive in such a difficult time for all with the rise in cost of living.


Empowering community members at Bajka Education Centre

Youth Integration (Community Interest Company) Project for children and families to increase their Polish language skills. The group are currently renovating a Perth and Kinross Council-leased building and exploring full ownership alongside increasing capacity to benefit the local community.

Building skills and resources

Community Learning and Development (CLD) have worked with Bajka Education Centre providing support and upskilling with funding applications and improving their offer to the community such as Warm Spaces. We have also been able to link in with the various services to seek advice and knowledge around heating systems as part of the building refurbishment. This has also opened potential funding streams from Local Energy Scotland, and led to further discussions between Bajka and the Polish Government about funding support they can offer. Some applications that have required knowledge around current regulations and legislation has required a specific skill level to complete, and working with CLD, the Heat Project were able to advise on recruiting a retrofit co-ordinator to oversee and support projects and future funding applications.

CLD are supporting the upskilling of Bajka staff with relevant training required such as Safeguarding, via the Early Years Team. We have also linked in the Third Sector Interface (Perth and Kinross) to carry out a Needs Assessment ensuring all required policies are in place.


CLD have supported Bajka with Warm Welcome, CIF and Adult Learning in the Community funding, and have been able to offer further support via funding workshops to explain and breakdown the applications in detail, ensuring everything is clear and understood. We have helped explore external funding opportunities for ongoing projects related to the building and outdoor play area/communal area as Bajka work towards the building's official opening.

Partnership working

We have been able to link in various organisations such as the Heat Project who have been able to offer the skills needed. The CLD team has also been able to work with the Perth and Kinross Council Community Empowerment Officer and various other teams within Perth and Kinross Council, such as Properties, Estates, Health and Safety, and the Early Years Service to strengthen relationships and explore opportunities for the organisation to develop.


Engaging with tenants at Double Dykes


Double Dykes has been an official Travellers' site since 1982. The site is about to undergo a complete refurbishment, with all chalets being replaced. This is affecting morale on the site due to uncertainties about where they are temporarily moving to, and repeated delays in the process.

The CLD Team went into Double Dykes in October 2023 and worked on building relationships and the need to bring in other partners to offer services from needs identified by the community.

Various tenants pointed out that they are not aware of things happening on the site so it was agreed that all future discussions and groups, or agencies visiting, will be put on flyers and handed out to all chalets, and spare flyers left in the communal portacabin. Literacy is a common issue among the travelling community, so any information is also done in picture format.

What was done

The CLD Team has worked collaboratively with partner agencies and tenants to enhance the development of individuals and groups, and meet key needs. Here are details of some of the support required and what was provided over the past few months.

  • Adult Learning - CLD Team delivers informal adult learning and the opportunity to gain accredited ASDAN and SQA awards.
  • SCARF - supported tenants with ensuring they knew how to heat chalets and advised on money-saving ideas.
  • Letham4All - supported some tenants with utility costs for both gas and electric.
  • PKC Welfare Rights - worker made sure all were getting benefits they were entitled to. Accessed food bank vouchers for some families.
  • PKC Families Team - set up days and times for families to come together to engage in play, reading and learning opportunities.
  • Culture PK Libraries - able to get books donated for all ages to set up library on site.
  • Giraffe - provided free ready meals for 4 months over the winter.
  • Live Active - provided a health and well being worker to come out every 3 months for checks and advice.
  • PKC Drug and Alcohol Team - delivered session on support and further information for concerns.
  • Mindspace - set up 6-week courses to learn about wellbeing, ASN and coping mechanisms.
  • Edinburgh University - CLD team arranged a trip to Edinburgh University (requested by community members) to see the archived works of Hamish Henderson and watch interviews with singing, tales, and traditions within the travelling community. The university handed them gifts of three books spanning different decades. Hamish Henderson was a man who travelled up and down the country engaging with the travellers, collecting tales, songs and learning about traditions. He also interviewed many travellers and held open days for people to learn more about the travelling community's culture and heritage. 
    Books gifted by the University of Edinburgh
    Books gifted to Double Dykes tenants by the University of Edinburgh
  • Housing - worked together with CLD Team to consult and engage via cooking/cake decorating with the youths for decision-making on parks in refurbishment site.
  • YMCA - reached out to for provision of universal youth services.
  • Letham Climate Challenge - managed to get toys donated from birth to teen for young people to access in portacabin. Also handed out information on opening times for people to access.


Double Dykes now has a busy schedule for their portacabin based on services that they identified as being needed. This has all come to fruition through building relationships, trust and mutual respect.

Through adult learning we are reducing barriers to participation by offering one-to-one sessions at a place that suits them, and based on learner needs and aspirations, allowing them to take control and gain more knowledge and skills to match their interests. Learners discuss and are actively involved in shaping their own learning.

Over time more tenants are coming into the drop-in sessions looking for support, advice or just a chat.

After our trip to Edinburgh University, the group expressed interest in writing a book based on their stories and looking at getting funding for the erection of a Bough tent on site to teach their children and grandchildren.

Image of a traveller's bough tent
A family of Travellers with a bough tent


  • "It is good that we are being listened to."
  • "I enjoy coming back into the portacabin and having chats and laughs."
  • "You have a good heart and working well for us which is appreciated."
  • "Feel like it's getting back to the good old days."


Building skills and resources at Strathmore Community Hub

Strathmore Community Hub is a community-owned and renovated building which opened in August 2022.

Building skills and resources

CLD worked with Hub staff to upskill on funding applications and governance, increasing resources and creating links with local organisations. This included the local primary school and local businesses, as well as groups delivering lunch clubs to share good practice in setting up a lunch activity. Food Hygiene courses were also provided to staff and volunteers delivering the weekly lunch club.


Strathmore Community Hub secured Community Investment funding to pilot a local cinema project, and Warm Welcome funding which opened up the Community Hub on a Wednesday evening as a warm and social space, with approximately 50 people attending.

Partnership working

A local food event was delivered in partnership with Strathmore Community Hub, introducing new people into the building and increasing awareness of local food producers and food projects and increase local awareness and connections with the new community facility.


Transforming Oudenarde Community Garden


The Oudenarde Community, driven by a collective desire, applied for CIF funding to create a sustainable and inclusive garden space. The project aimed to transform an underutilised area around a cabin, previously neglected, into a vibrant space that would cater to a wide range of residents, including families.


  1. Raised beds and vegetables
    Through dedicated efforts, the community established raised beds and began growing vegetables. These green patches not only beautified the space but also provided fresh produce for residents.
  2. Sunflower competitions
    Ongoing sunflower competition added a touch of friendly competition. Children were encouraged to grow the tallest sunflower, fostering a sense of responsibility with having fun.
  3. Summer activities
    The garden hosted summer activities, including a CAMHS sensory tent. This initiative aimed to engage people of all ages and promote mental wellbeing.
  4. Community hub
    The small garden quickly became a hub for gardening enthusiasts. It brought together individuals with shared interests, creating a sense of belonging.


The Oudenarde Community Garden exemplifies how grassroots efforts, passion, and resilience can transform neglected spaces into thriving community assets.


Developing community in Coupar Angus

The Coupar Angus Action Plan, launched in April 2023, was brought together by an independent consultant, forming the views of the local community. Community Learning and Development work with the community to deliver on some of the actions and continue to engage the community in the plan.

Community development

Working in partnership with Strathmore Community Hub, partners were brought together to deliver a 3-month pilot drop-in with services such as the PKC Wellbeing Support Team, Blairgowrie HEAT Project, PKC Welfare Rights, and PKC Employment Support. The pilot project is now a weekly drop-in Advice and Information Hub led by the Health and Social Care Partnership, and Strathmore Community Hub is increasingly recognised as a local place where individuals look for information and support.

New community group

A mother of a child with additional support needs (ASN) wanted to start a local support group with other parents and carers with children with ASN. Working in partnership with the Early Years Family Learning Practitioner, the group was upskilled by CLD on starting a community group and becoming established with a constitution. A volunteer was upskilled on applying for funding and the group secured funds for venue hire and resources.

Building individual skills

An employability programme was delivered in partnership with PKC Employment Support; one learner went on to become a volunteer with Strathmore Community Hub in the new community library, another learner has been applying for jobs and securing interviews after some time out of employment.


Fostering connections at Bertha Park Community Hub

Bertha Park Community Hub is a Church of Scotland-owned and newly developed building, run in partnership with local residents, which opened in September 2023.

Building skills

CLD worked with Bertha Park residents' community group to upskill on funding applications, increasing understanding and confidence around the process as a newly established group. This led to successful applications to Community Investment Fund for the delivery of a youth work programme in partnership with YMCA Tayside and the development of a weekly parent and preschool group for families.

Digital skills are becoming increasingly important in everyday life and was highlighted as a local need. CLD staff delivered a 5-week course of basic digital skills to upskill both volunteers and members of the wider community.

Increasing Influence

Links were made to encourage participation with Perth and Kinross Council consultations such as the Big Place Conversation. The main purpose of these conversations was to shape the next Local Development Plan which will run until 2037, and also feeds into the Mobility Strategy, which will set out a vision for managing and developing the transport network.

Partnership working

Locality workshops were held to bring together community groups and organisations to work collectively to plan and deliver Warm Welcome initiatives across the Strathtay area. Bertha Park residents' community group identified the need for provision of both warm spaces and warm packs. As part of the workshop process, CLD and local organisations were able to offer advice on what worked well and what could be improved from the first year of funding. Bertha Park residents' community group were able to learn from and build on the success of previous groups and through grant funding, established a very successful lunch group called "Bertha Blethers" alongside an exercise class called "Movement to Music". As a result of these projects, local residents have reported making new friends, gaining volunteers and committee members, better mental health, less isolation and a sense of belonging.


Strengthening partnerships in Strathearn

The Strathearn Better Place to Live Fair, a testament to our vibrant community, took place on Saturday 2 March 2024, at the Strathearn Community Campus in Crieff. This was the second Better Place to Live Fair in the area, a true testament to our collective efforts. The Fair was a collaborative effort, organised by the Community Learning and Development Team in partnership with the Community Campus Business Support Team, Culture PK, LOGOS Youth Project, Crieff High School, and Tayside Contracts, showcasing the power of community partnerships.

The Better Place to Live fair was a vibrant showcase of the diversity of community groups and organisations in the Crieff and Strathearn locality. In total, around 30 community organisations took part in the day, each offering a unique experience. Some of the sports clubs also added to the excitement by offering taster sessions. These taster sessions included pickleball and archery, providing a thrilling experience for all.

Crieff High School staff and pupils also got involved by offering tours of the school and Tayside Contracts provided some taster samples of the High School catering menu.

Culture PK also offered an illustration workshop with a local illustrator which was very popular with the children and families who attended the day. The CLD Team also provided the opportunity at this event for members of the public to vote in the Green Living Fund for local projects that had submitted an application to the fund.

Thanks to the collaborative and partnership efforts of all the Community Campus partners, the day was a resounding success. The public and groups were full of praise, commenting on the wealth of offerings for the local community. This success is a testament to the exciting and diverse groups and organisations that operate in our community, making Crieff and Strathearn a truly special place to live.


Did you know?

Currently 87.9% of residential and business premises in Perth and Kinross have superfast broadband - just over 7% below the average for Scotland (95.1%). The cost and quality of connectivity and lack of confidence in using digital technologies are key challenges for people across Perth and Kinross getting online.

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