Following a successful trial of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) in several of its bin lorries, Perth and Kinross Council is now extending the use of the fuel to more of its large fleet vehicles.
HVO is used, filtered vegetable oil and it provides an environmentally-friendly alternative to diesel that helps reduce carbon emissions from previously fossil-fuelled vehicles. As a result of the six-month trial in 2024, a significant reduction in carbon emissions from the six lorries has been achieved, namely a saving of` 87 tonnes of CO2.
Starting from 3 February 2025, the process of running down the diesel supply in a further 18 bin lorries based at Friarton in Perth and swapping to HVO is moving forward. It is estimated that a reduction of around 500 tonnes of CO2 a year could be achieved with the changeover.
Convener of Climate Change and Sustainability, Councillor Richard Watters said: "The trial introduction of HVO to our bin lorries has proved to be a real success by providing a simple, readily available and much greener fuel source. It reflects the commitment we have made to reducing our carbon footprint and I look forward to seeing more of our vehicles out on the road powered by HVO."
Vice-Convener, Councillor Liz Barrett said: "I warmly welcome this very significant reduction in our CO2 emissions from refuse collection. It shows great progress towards our targets to reduce emissions from Council vehicles. I'd like to thank our Waste Management and Fleet teams for their commitment to making a difference."