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Membership of the Child Protection Committee

Child Protection Committees (CPC's) are multi-agency bodies established at local authority level throughout Scotland.

Our Child Protection Committee works in partnership with the local Children, Young People and Families' Partnership (CYPFP), which provides leadership, direction, scrutiny and support to the CPC.

Perth and Kinross CPC is firmly focussed on child protection practice, aimed at delivering better outcomes for vulnerable children, young people and families across Perth and Kinross. CPC members (PDF) [47KB] are from the main statutory agencies who have responsibilities for protecting children, namely social work, education, housing, police, health, procurator fiscal and Children's Hearings and also representatives from the voluntary sector. The CPC meets every two months.

Working groups

Perth & Kinross Child Protection Committee has a number of working groups. These are either standing groups or short life working groups created for a specific task.

Standing groups

These groups undertake the work of the CPC, meeting within its bi-monthly cycle.  The groups report to the CPC on a regular basis to ensure that necessary work is progressed.

Representation for each Working Group is on a multi-agency basis.  Some attendees may be existing CPC members whilst others are welcome to attend to offer their expertise or experience in a relevant domain.

If you would like further information about the activities of any of the above groups please contact the Child Protection Inter-Agency Co-ordinator on 01738 476881.


Last modified on 14 November 2023

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