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Accessing social care for adults

Our Early Intervention and Prevention Team is the first point of contact for people who need access to health and social care services

If you are over 16 and think you require any kind of social care, then you can contact the Early Intervention and Prevention Team.  

The team is available from Monday to Friday, between 8.45 am and 5.00 pm by phone on 0345 30 111 20 or by email at The number 0345 30 111 20 can be used outwith these hours to connect to the out-of-hours social work service. 

The Early Intervention and Prevention Team can offer advice and information on a range of services including: 

For new clients we will carry out Early Intervention and Prevention work in localities for up to 4 weeks. This work will be supported by a range of partners including GP's and 3rd sector organisations and will provide the focussed support needed for people to live more independently in their communities—providing care and support at the right time, in the right place, when it is most needed. 

New clients with more complex needs who require more than 4 weeks' support will be transferred to a key worker within their local area who will continue to work with them in their community to achieve their identified outcomes. 

If you are in crisis, or you are calling on behalf of someone who is in crisis, the Early Intervention and Prevention Team can provide immediate assistance by calling 0345 30 111 20.

If you already receive a social care service, you should get in touch with your current key worker and they will help with any enquiries you have. 

Last modified on 17 March 2023

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