Local Place Plans (LPP) are plans prepared by a Community Council or community-controlled body, and supported by the community, that describe the community's vision for the future of a local area and sets out proposals for the "development and use of land". This can be proposals for new buildings, or other changes in the way land is used such as walking and cycling routes, historic building preservation, affordable housing or improved open spaces.
A LPP is a great way to come together to discuss and generate ideas for a community to deliver actions that can meet identified community needs, change the appearance of their place and how it works. LPPs need to meet certain requirements and be validated and registered by the Council. See the Scottish Government Circular on these requirements. Once registered they are taken into account when the Local Development Plan is being prepared, and they can also help the Council and other organisations to better understand local issues and where to target investment and services.
Invitation to Create Local Place Plans
At the same time as we review our Local Development Plan, we invite local communities to consider whether to prepare a Local Place Plan for their area.
A Local Place Plan is community-led. A Local Place Plan may be right for a community if the Community Council or community body (as defined by Community Empowerment legislation) would like to help deliver their community's priorities for the use of land to make their place better, and inform future planning policy and development proposals.
- Community bodies can prepare Local Place Plans for their area at and submit to the Council for registration at any time
- We plan to start preparation of the Proposed Local Development Plan in early 2025
- Local Place Plans that are registered by 31 January 2025 will therefore have most opportunity to be taken into account when preparing the Local Development Plan
To find out more about this, or to tell us that your Community Council or community body would like to prepare a Local Place Plan, please complete this enquiry form.
We have put together some sources of information to help you decide in a Guidance and Assistance Note (PDF, 125 KB).
The Council will validate LPPs and maintain a register that is publicly available so anyone can check if there is an LPP in their area.
Guidance and assistance
While Local Place Plans are community led we can provide advice on the following topics. Please let us know by completing the Enquiry Form if you are interested in developing a Local Place Plan for your community or would like advice on:
- updating/converting a Community Action Plan into a Local Place Plan
- funding to develop a Local Place Plan alongside a Community Action Plan
- holding your own Place Conversation to inform your LPP
- the requirements for registering a Local Place Plan
- the relationship between Local Place Plans and the Local Development Plan
- further updates on Local Place Plans
Data Protection
The information provided by you will be used by Perth & Kinross Council to record what you've told us about your plans for a Local Place Plan in your community, to keep you up to date on Local Place Plan development and to enable us to answer any questions you ask us. We may share your information with other Council departments in order to address your enquiry or register your interest. We will keep your information for one year, then ask you if you wish us to keep it on our Local Place Plan mailing list.
The information will not be disclosed to third parties except if we're required to do so in order to prevent or detect crime or where required by law.
For further information, please look at our data protection website; email dataprotection@pkc.gov.uk or phone 01738 477933.