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Technology Enabled Care

Graphic with Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership logo and a photo of an open envelope with the text 'save the date' visible

The careful use of technology can support people to live a safe and independent life within their own homes. The introduction of digital the pace at which technology changes can be challenging.

Digital technology has the potential to increase people's choice and control over the support that is offered through health and social care. It can empower and motivate individuals to self-manage their own health and wellbeing and enable people to use the right tools and information to to keep as active and healthy as they can.

Technology Enabled Care (T.E.C.) allows us to find new, innovative ways to support and enable people to remain in their own homes or a homely setting for as long as they are able.

T.E.C. is not a replacement for professionals or unpaid carers - it is a compliment to this face-to-face interaction. T.E.C. can support people within their own communities and bring a preventative approach to working with individuals, families, and their carers.

What does the T.E.C. team do?

The T.E.C. Team is a projects-based research and advisory service.


  • trial the use of T.E.C. to improve the lives and outcomes of individuals and carers.
  • explore and test innovative technologies, promoting their use and availability through the SmartFlat, social media, online videos, online self-check tools, and events.
  • increase the range and use of T.E.C. and equipment available to individuals, families, and carers.
  • develop a range of training and awareness sessions for existing and potential users of T.E.C. and staff working across the partnership and council.

What T.E.C. do I need?

No two people are the same, so the answer to this question may be different for each person. As a starting point, you can use the self-check online tool and after answering a few simple questions about your needs you will be provided a summary page of useful information tailored to you.

Across Perth and Kinross there is a Community alarm and telecare service available for those who are eligible. This 24/7 service provides a base alarm unit which has a button on it that can be pressed to call for assistance. You will also receive a pendant or wrist worn button that is linked directly to the base alarm unit.

To apply, you can contact the Early Intervention and Prevention service on 0345 30 111 20 or If you are eligible a home visit will be setup to carry out an assessment and discuss how the system operates.


The SmartFlat displays a range of equipment including telecare and consumer products designed to increase or maintain independent living. It is available to anyone interested in more information and is used throughout the year to train new and existing members of staff of the options and developments in telecare equipment.

To arrange a visit, email or call and leave a message on 01738 475707.

If you cannot manage to attend, we have a video walkthrough of the flat highlighting some of the devices on display:

Virtual Smart House

We have an exciting new piece of virtual house software available to us through the TEC Services Association (TSA), the industry and advisory body for TEC in the UK, that you can now access. This virtual house technology allows you to tour a home that contains pieces of TEC around it.

You can look around the house, click on each piece of equipment, find out their application, and who this may benefit.

Have a look for yourself:

Guest Access | TSA Academy (

Further information on our T.E.C. Team can be found in our T.E.C. brochure.

Last modified on 13 January 2025

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